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时代是惟一真实的宿命,每个时代都需要相适的脸谱,进入2008年,这张脸谱写满了焦虑。坏消息总是集中爆发,股市绵延下行、CPI高高翘起、暴雪不期而至、大洋彼岸次贷来袭、中小民营企业经历成本折磨、西藏暴乱、奥运圣火传递屡受干扰,谁也无法预测这是一年中最困难的时刻,还是最困难一年的开始。尽管4月24日印花税下调到1‰,引来沪指暴涨9.29%,创7年最高涨幅纪录,但股市已不是社会焦虑的解药,尽管它曾是挑动焦虑的引线。不无矛盾的是,这仍是一个生机勃勃的中国,3个月后,奥运会的亢奋将暂时冲淡焦虑情绪,最新公布的一季度宏观经济数据显示,GDP增长率达到10.6%,尽管低于去年第四季度的11.2%,却明显高于预期,一些经济学家据此认为投资与消费的潜在增长动能依然强劲。硬币的两面真正出现了,很少有人怀疑中国稳步前行的能力,但这个肌体强壮的巨人无法摆脱焦虑情绪的缠绕。 The era is the only real fate, each need a suitable face mask, into 2008, this face is full of anxiety. The bad news is always focused on the outbreak, the stock market extended downward, CPI high tilt, Blizzard unexpectedly, the subprime mortgage across the Atlantic strikes, small and medium-sized private enterprises experience the cost of torture, Tibetan riots, the Olympic torch relay repeatedly disturbed, no one can Predict this is the most difficult time of the year, or the beginning of the most difficult year. Despite the stamp duty cut to 1 ‰ on April 24, which led to a 9.29% surge in the Shanghai Stock Index, marking the highest increase in seven years, the stock market is no longer an antidote to social anxiety, though it once served as a trigger for anxiety. It is not without contradiction that this is still a vibrant China. After three months, the excitement of the Olympic Games will temporarily ease the anxiety. The latest quarterly macroeconomic data shows that the GDP growth rate reached 10.6%, although lower than last year 11.2% in the fourth quarter was clearly above expectation, and some economists believe that the potential growth momentum of investment and consumption is still strong. The two sides of the coin really appeared, few doubted China's ability to move forward steadily, but the gigantic strong body could not get rid of anxiety.
7月30日,热浪中的北京吹来一股清凉的劲风,联想冠群进军企业级软件的领头产品——问鼎,在一片掌声之中终于从幕后走到了台前。年初,联想与CA 公司的联姻曾经在中国软件业引
Stroh-type formalisms for anisotropic thin plates in literature are reviewed and dis- cussed,and two kinds of hybrid Stroh-type formalisms are compared.It is se