Design should avoid “people-oriented” misreading

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   "People-oriented" is a concept of philosophic value, and oriented means "fundamental", which is contrary to "the end". Compared to all the things around, people is the most important. You cannot put the cart before the horse. In daily life, it is loved by people. "People-oriented", "customer is God" design works have already become consumer identity positioning as a universal standard, but this seemingly universal banner, often being used as a term of "people-oriented" has often been misinterpreted. Let us feel happy is more and more designers have to consciously accept and follow the principle of people-oriented design, design in the real "people-oriented" what content should be included, with consumers as the main component of design subject to criticism of standpoint to look at the designs of the how to do?
   First, criticism of design should avoid the trap of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is the traditional meaning of people-oriented joined the expansion of human factors, resulting in levels in the extreme. Uncouth displayed by some people, Xunzi's theory of the day is giving early warning, saying: "days of the time, and to have their money, people have their treatment, which is means if humans can rule of heavenly wealth, said human participation in the world, where "reference" with "three", more is revealed among Heaven, Earth, people can meet each other. Because man is the main and fundamental design, ultimately is designed to meet the needs of people, is known for design rather than design. Design is human-service activity, so people will often be rightly confused and people-centered human Center principle, everyone knows this is a misreading of the greatest people on design, is also a subject of design criticism should consciously avoid the place. Criticism of the works of will give any objective factors, devoid of value and significance of the design criticism.
   Second, criticism of design should distinguish people-oriented and nature-oriented. In recent years the design of the human-oriented is questioned by some designers, which think design should be based on the nature. Its reason is design has been discussion of reduced or avoid design caused of various energy resources of lack, and ecological environment deterioration, and water air pollution, implementation human and resources, and environment of harmonious coexistence, and implementation human of sustainable development, all of these is will focus put in has various resources, and energy, and environment of provides body--nature who, so in they eye in the, design of "this" course to became nature, and non-human. Such speech is not grandstanding, temporarily not hasty conclusion, but it is only the surface of things wrong. People evolve as optimal soul is the fittest nature of the result, who was a member of the natural environment, charactering can cultivate people's sentiments of nature. So many people and minds are favorable to appease the emotions of the people of nature and nature's rich abundant lives. All factors of good by nature, humans can sense, is at the service of human nature, nature as this fact is people-oriented extension of the design critics must not, on the surface, simple extremes of nature as this is equivalent to the people-oriented.
   Last but not least, we should make clear that of people-oriented design means most people-oriented, but not minority-oriented. Professor Zhang Liguo thinks people here refer to the general mass, which is the specific and personalized consumer in the life. They are restricted by social culture by the special history period, and have the double meanings of social and psychological, constitution behavior and spirit desire meaning. They should be respected, appreciated and full-development people, but not non-minority upper powerful or special character, or single significance Shang of people, also not is people depending on for easy, and no reference person. Design is the date of birth for most services in the target, if I have to give it a general time limit, I think a lot of people will immediately recall the history of the Moot on Peruses and Germany designed famous art community leader to debate both sides of debate. Controversy moot peruses a convincing argument and a lot of good product design refuted each other, thereby laying the Germany Foundation of modern design, while for the later establishment of the Bauhaus with the premise of the theory and practice. Influence of Bauhaus design on the world will not go into, and is important to some is the Bauhaus with the social progress, constant attention and always caring of the modern way of life and living environment, designed for modern people, to contemporary social value system and the needs of the public as a standard, achieving truly people-centered design. More valuable is the debate of modern design theory of art and traditional crafts of the last skirmishes, it designed for modern art make a clean sweep of the fetters of traditional arts and crafts. Since then, modern design, mass production of fish into the lives of the general public, and achieve the goals of design for the public service. Design for the majority society services" response to the cries got louder. so far, sounds that seem to be winding around the beams going reminder of what the design criticism at all times subject to capture the design a "people-oriented" in the "people" properly refers to.
   We should also notice that the range of people-oriented design is limited. Human need restrain himself. Design is for the public service but it is not simply to meet the needs of the people and the improvement of living standards to avoid negative effect accompanying prosperity, and prevent it stops the sustainable development of people-oriented design.
   In short, human should not to sentimental and consider himself as the nature's pride and the center of the universe. The Earth we live on is a small particle of the vast universe. And human is just a passer-by of the planet earth. The small creature designs for the needs of his daily life, and the theory of people-oriented is the value trend, human module and aesthetic trend of the most people in the groups for standard of design guidelines but it not means human considers himself as the center of everything, and it is also cannot became some consumer on its one-sided understanding and errors read of reason, it alert with design criticism main to broad of vision and correctly of attitude to treat design of people.
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