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不久前,国际奥委会在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行了第104次全体会议,这次大会的主题虽然是投票决定冬奥会举办国,但围绕国际奥委会主席和各委员年龄限制问题,爆发了激烈的争论。这将给国际奥林匹克运动带来巨大影响。萨马兰奇的年龄问题在国际奥林匹克运动史上,胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇无疑是最伟大的人物之一,这位精力充沛的西班牙人为奥林匹克运动的发展作出了杰出的贡献。但是无情的自然规律使这位古稀之年的体育领袖面临着退休问题。今年7月,这位国际体坛的风云人物就要年满75岁了,根据《国际奥委会宪章》的现有条款,在其第三届任期到1997年期满后,将不能再继续连任国际奥委会主席。该宪章还规定国际奥委会委员年满75岁者自动离职,担任主席和执委职务者在其任期满后离任。 Not long ago, the International Olympic Committee held its 104th plenary session in Budapest, Hungary. Although the theme of this conference was to vote for the host country of the Olympic Winter Games, around the age restriction of the IOC president and members, an eruption discuss aggressively. This will have a huge impact on the international Olympic movement. The Age of Samaranch Juan Antonio Samaranch is undoubtedly one of the greatest figures in the history of international olympics. The energetic Spaniard made outstanding contributions to the development of the Olympic Movement. But the ruthless laws of nature put this fiery-year sports leader in retirement. July this year, the man of the international sports are about to turn 75 years old, according to the “IOC Charter” of the existing terms, in its third term of office to the end of 1997, will not be able to continue any second term President of the International Olympic Committee. The charter also stipulates that IOC members who are 75 years of age or older automatically leave their posts as chairman and executive board members after their term expires.
A technique for determining the HMO parameters with MS-Xα-SCF method has been de-veloped. The ionization potentials of even polyenes and condensed benzene com
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The purposes of this study are to compare the proteome of Vibrio cholerae O139 strains with that of O22, O155 and El Tor biotype epidemic strains, and to identi