赤裸裸的真相 人肉搜索背后的法理纠葛

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从2001年到2012年,“人肉搜索”在中国这个网民大国中走过了12个年头。12年来,我们发现,人肉搜索已经从起初的娱乐、问答、搜索等实用功能发展到了舆论监督功能。然而,任何事物都有其正反两个方面,在立法不健全,网络环境不纯洁的目前国内互联网世界,“人肉搜索”在所难免地在某些事件上演变发展成打击报复部分人的一种网络暴力。对于人肉搜索而言,从其诞生之日起,人们就对它褒贬不一,它所引起的社会关注和社会争论也上升到了前所未有的热烈程度,不止网络界、学术界、法律界关注争论,连年公务员考试,它都是一个热点命题。龙年伊始,作为网络主要力量的青年人,也积极参与到这个话题的讨论中,各抒己见,用意见促发展,以争论促和谐,希望新年新气象,在大家的共同努力下营造一个健康有益的搜索机制。 From 2001 to 2012, “Human Search” has been in China for 12 years. Over the past 12 years, we have found that human-to-human search has evolved from a functional utility such as entertainment, quizzes, and search to public opinion monitoring. However, everything has both positive and negative aspects. In the current domestic Internet world, where the legislation is not perfect and the network environment is impure, some people have inevitably evolved in certain events and developed into retaliation against some people A kind of cyber violence. As for human flesh search, since its birth, people have mixed it, and the social concern and social controversy it has caused have also risen to an unprecedented degree of enthusiasm. Not only the cyber circles, the academic circles and the legal circles pay attention to the controversy, Year civil service exam, it is a hot topic. Since the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, young people, as the main force of the Internet, have also actively participated in discussions on this topic. They both expressed their opinions and used their opinions to promote development. They promoted harmony through controversy and hoped for a New Year and a new atmosphere. With the joint efforts of all of them, they created a healthy and beneficial Search mechanism.
目的:本文拟在中医药理论指导下,采用制剂新技术,将王清任《医林改错》中经方“身痛逐瘀汤”研制为新剂型——身痛逐瘀凝胶膏(巴布)剂,并初步建立该制剂的质量控制标准。   方
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目的:   通过优化裂殖壶菌(Schizochytrium WZU4771)生长的条件使菌体在5L发酵罐中达到最佳的生长水平:同时通过放大实验,对裂殖壶菌在50L发酵罐中的生长情况进行初步的研
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