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荔湾深水地震资料采用长电缆大排列采集,且地下各向异性问题严重,严重影响了速度分析的精度。常规双曲线及各向异性时距曲线仿真结果表明:时差误差受电缆长度(X/D)、各向异性(Eta)两个因素影响;电缆越长、各向异性越强,用常规速度解释造成的时差误差越大;优选出了基于各向异性介质的速度分析方法,道集大偏移距部分得到了有效拉平,地震高陡倾角的成像精度有很大提高,较好地解决了荔湾深水区长电缆地震资料的速度场和各向异性的问题,为深水长电缆地震资料处理提供了较好的技术手段。 The Liwan deep-water seismic data is collected by a large array of long cables, and the problem of underground anisotropy is serious, which seriously affects the accuracy of velocity analysis. The simulation results of conventional hyperbolic and anisotropic time-span curves show that the time-lag error is affected by two factors: cable length (X / D) and anisotropy (Eta). The longer the cable, the stronger the anisotropy, The larger the error of time difference is. The velocity analysis method based on anisotropic medium is optimized, the large offset part of the track set is effectively leveled off, and the imaging precision of high and steep dip of the earthquakes is greatly improved, which can better solve the problems of Liwan The problems of velocity field and anisotropy of cable seismic data in deep water may provide a good technical means for seismic data processing of long-long cable.
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Purpose: To investigate the use of automated image analysis for the detection of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in fundus photographs captured with and without pha r