
来源 :法制现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danycs
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法国法制现代化的过程是与法国的资本主义化的过程紧密联系在一起的,足多种因素合力的结果:罗马法的影响和法兰西民族国家的形成是法国法制现代化的基础;市民社会的形成与基督教文化的互动所产生的两个“二元分立”是产生法制现代化的重要原因;文艺复兴奠定了法国法制现代化的思想基石;法国大革命是法国法制现代化的历史起点;“拿破仑诸法典”的颁布实施标志着法国法制现代化的基本完成,此后法国法律的发展是法制的进一步现代化。这些因素共同玉成了法国的法制现代化。 The process of French legal system modernization is closely linked with the capitalist process in France. The result of many factors combined together: the influence of the Roman law and the formation of the French nation state are the basis of the French legal system modernization. The formation and development of civil society The two “dichotomies” resulting from the interaction of Christian culture are the important reasons for the modernization of the legal system; the Renaissance laid the foundation stone for the modernization of French legal system; the French Revolution is the historical starting point for the modernization of the French legal system; "The promulgation and implementation of the French legal system marked the basic completion of the modernization of the French law is the further modernization of the legal system. Together, these factors have made France’s legal modernization.
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该集团公司2002年进入北京地铁市场,先后参与建设了北京地铁7条线路7个标段,施工中坚持以文化塑形象,以管理求效益,以质量树信誉,以信誉促发展,荣获鲁班奖、詹天佑 The grou
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