Effective generation of optical quadruple frequency millimeter-wave based on fiber laser using injec

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinran200391127
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A method to generate the optical quadruple frequency millimeter-wave with high power efficiency is proposed and demonstrated based on the combination of the injection 2nd-order rational harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser technique and the fiber grating notch filter. In this approach, the fiber Bragg grating notch filter is inserted into the laser cavity to prevent the undesired optical carrier, so that the pump power can be converted to 2nd-order harmonic wave more efficiently. In our experiment, the power efficiency of optical quadruple frequency millimeter-wave (40 GHz) generation is ten folds of that of our previous method based only on the rational harmonic mode-locked technique. A method to generate the optical quadruple frequency millimeter-wave with high power efficiency is proposed and demonstrated based on the combination of the injection 2nd-order rational harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser technique and the fiber grating notch filter. In this approach, the fiber Bragg grating notch filter is inserted into the laser cavity to prevent the undesired optical carrier, so that the pump power can be converted to 2nd-order harmonic wave more efficiently. In our experiment, the power efficiency of optical quadruple frequency millimeter-wave ( 40 GHz) generation is ten folds of that of our previous method based only on the rational harmonic mode-locked technique.
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