Can returnee managers promote CSR performance? Evidence from China

来源 :中国工商管理研究前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahyangqi1
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With growing economic globalization,retee managers who have obtained education or work experience overseas play a much more crucial role in corporations,especially in emerging economies.Using hand-collected managerial background data from a sample of firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2010 to 2014,this paper investigates the impact of retee managers on corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance.We find that retee managers can promote CSR performance.Further analyses show that the impact of retee managers on CSR is more pronounced when managers have a foreign study background compared to managers with foreign work experience.The impact only holds when managers obtained their experience in developed economies.When enterprises face greater information asymmetry,retee managers are more willing to use CSR as a tool to convey a positive image to stakeholders.CSR can help managers reduce information asymmetry and improve firm value.The results are robust through a series of robustness checks including a propensity score matching (PSM) procedure and a Heckman two-state sample selection model.This paper contributes to growing studies on the economic consequences of retee managers and advances our understanding of the determinants of CSR at the individual level.The results also have implications for govment and enterprises attracting talents with overseas experience.
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