以学生为中心 立足基础 对症下药——由一次诊断考试试卷分析所想到的

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我校一次高三英语“一诊”考试采用了兰州市教科所“一诊”试卷,高三英语教师和学生普遍反映该部分试题较难。我们对全部试卷进行了统计分析,平均分为62.4分,得分率仅为42%,最高分134分,最低分15分,难度系数0.416,这些数据一方面说明该试卷的部分试题的确偏难、偏深,难度超过了正常的国家高考英语试题的难度。另一方面也表 Our school a high school English “a diagnosis ” examination using Lanzhou City teaching “a diagnosis ” test paper, senior high school English teachers and students generally reflect the part of the test more difficult. We conducted a statistical analysis of all the papers, with an average of 62.4 points, the score was only 42%, the highest score of 134 points, the lowest score of 15 points, the difficulty coefficient of 0.416, on the one hand that these data on the one hand, Deep, the difficulty of more than the normal national college entrance examination English difficulty. On the other hand also table
川牛膝为苋科植物川牛膝(Cyathula officinalis Kuan)的干燥根, 主产于四川、云南、州等地。川牛膝味甘、微苦、性平,具有补肝肾、强筋骨、逐淤络、通利关节等作用,已大量用于临
分析研究影响出厂水质稳定性的诸多因素,有针对性地对各个环节出现的问题加以探究,说明出厂水质稳定性对管网运行环境的影响。 Analyze and study the factors affecting th