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保护层开采作为一种典型的煤与瓦斯安全开采形式在煤矿生产中具有重要的意义。通过由半无限开采积分模型求解得到的岩体内部位移场表达式并与相似模拟被保护层沉降曲线对比,研究发现理论模型可以较好地反映煤层实际变形。建立了“两带”裂隙分布模型及其简化力学模型,通过正交设计的全应力应变渗透试验发现,瓦斯渗透主要分为3个过程,发现瓦斯渗透急剧变化在体积应变达到0.015处,对比理论体积应变分布曲线,得出体积应变沿沉降范围总体上呈对称分布,在中心区域存在一个体积应变大于0.015的范围,可见其正处于渗透率急剧增加阶段,其卸压增透效果最好。研究结果为被保护层瓦斯卸压增透计算提供了参考。 As a typical form of coal and gas exploitation, the mining of protective layer is of great significance in the production of coal mines. Through the expression of the internal displacement field of the rock mass solved by the semi-infinite mining integral model and the comparison with the similar simulated subsidence curve, it is found that the theoretical model can well reflect the actual deformation of the coal seam. The “two zone” crack distribution model and its simplified mechanical model were established. According to the full stress strain infiltration test of orthogonal design, it was found that the gas permeation was mainly divided into three processes. It was found that when the gas permeability was drastically changed, the volume strain reached 0.015, Comparing theoretical bulk strain distribution curve, it is concluded that the volume strain along the settlement range is symmetrical, and there is a range of volumetric strain greater than 0.015 in the central region, which shows that it is in the stage of sharp increase of permeability and the pressure relief and antireflection effect is the best . The result of this study provides a reference for the calculation of pressure relief and permeability enhancement of the protective layer.
目的了解高密市流动人口中女工(简称流动女工)的职业健康状况和职业卫生需求方式。方法选择纺织行业3个企业和制鞋行业3个企业的流动女工共3 804人,填写职业健康调查问卷。全
自主探索,动手实践是新课程倡导的一种重要的学习方式,对学具操作功能进行了论述。 Self-exploration, hands-on practice is an important way of learning advocated by t