迎击金融风暴系列之夜场篇 深圳:博弈夜场

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2月6日,王志送别洪帆,立即按照《商超操作规范要求》、《2009年月商超主题促销方案》、《促销员培训和考核方案》等规章制度,在商超卖场开展为期一个月的“终端操作手册化、品牌促销落地化、终端拦截立体化”落地活动。刚见成效之际,天雄深圳办事处却传来坏消息。深圳办事处是天雄公司走出东莞后第一家成立的驻外机构,已经运作3年,销售网络主要以商超、卖场和夜场为主。从2008年四季度开始,深圳办事处夜场的费效(投入—回款)比例开始急剧超标,王志最初以为是受大环境影响并未在意。春节结束后,数家和天雄合作的夜场开始拒付贷款,欠款最多的皇爵夜总会欠款时间达8个月,金额达到60多万元。由于夜场销量占据深圳办事处的40%,面对节节下滑的销量,办事处主任侯坚一方面恳求王志加大投入,另一方面不惜突破规定授信额度,在前款未结清下给夜场供货。2月底,皇爵夜总会老板人间蒸发,天雄数十万费用和贷款血本无归。当头一棒让王志心急如焚,他急忙安排财务查账,财务经理提交的报告显示:从2008年下半年起,天雄深圳办事处夜场经营扣除各种费用,已经处于潜亏状态,下半年深圳经济受金融风暴肆虐影响夜场生意猛降,加之数家供货夜场倒闭跑单,深圳夜场账面亏损已经达到100万元以上。读完报告,因商超略有起色刚刚心情好转的王志,仿佛一下从热带巴西掉进北极。眼看和洪帆约定的一月期限未到,他也顾不得这些,反复电话邀请洪帆3月份一定要回来。 February 6, Wang Zhi bid farewell to Hong Fan, immediately in accordance with the “super-operation norms”, “2009 Supermarkets on the theme of promotional programs”, “promoters training and assessment programs” and other rules and regulations, in supermarkets to carry out the period A month’s “terminal operation manual, brand promotion landing, terminal interception stereoscopic ” landing activities. Just see the results, the Tianxiong Shenzhen office came bad news. Shenzhen office is Tianxiong company out of Dongguan after the first set up of foreign agencies, has been operating for 3 years, the sales network mainly supermarkets, stores and night-based. Starting from the fourth quarter of 2008, the cost-effectiveness (input-payment) of the night market in Shenzhen office started to exceed the standard. Wang Zhi initially thought it was affected by the environment and did not mind. After the Spring Festival, several night-time cooperation with Tianxiong began to refuse to pay loans. The most-arrogant Royal Nightclub owed eight months in arrears, amounting to more than 600,000 yuan. Due to the night sales accounted for 40% of the Shenzhen office, the face of declining sales, Office Kennedy on the one hand begged Wang Zhi to increase investment, on the other hand broke through the provisions of the credit line in the previous paragraph did not pay off Night market delivery. By the end of February, the royal nightclub owner evaporate, Tianxiong hundreds of thousands of costs and loans lose everything. Wang Zhixin brazenly anxious to arrange financial check, financial manager submitted the report shows: from the second half of 2008, Tianxiong Shenzhen night operations deductions of various costs, has been at a potential loss, the second half of the economy by the financial crisis in Shenzhen Rampant affect the evening business plummeted, coupled with a number of night supply closures closures, night market losses in Shenzhen has reached more than 1 million yuan. After reading the report, due to slight improvement in business over the recent improvement of Wang Zhi, seems to have fallen from the tropical Brazil into the North Pole. Seeing the one-month deadline agreed with Hong-fan did not reach, he also refused to do so. Repeated telephone calls to Hongfan must come back in March.
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