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  第一部分:听力部分 (15分)
  听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)
  1. What’s the traffic like this time every day?
   A. Fine.                       B. Usual.                           C. Heavy.
  2. What are they talking about?
   A. A picnic.             B. The woman’s parents.           C. The weather.
  3. What does the woman tell the man he must do?
   A. Read all the articles.                   B. Choose a better article to read.
   C. Present a different view to the class.
  4. Where are the man and the woman?
   A. In a zoo.                 B. In a theatre.                  C. In a restaurant.
  5. What is the most probable relationship between these two people?
   A. Wife and husband.    B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Waitress and customer.
  听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)
  6. When did the man arrive at the class?
   A. At 8:10.             B. At 8:50.                        C. At 9:00.
  7. How did the man come to the school?
   A. By bus.              B. By bike.                        C. By car.
  8. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
   A. Classmates.        B. Workmates.                   C. Boyfriend and girlfriend.
  9. Why was the man feeling angry?
   A. Because he thought his phone was stolen.    B. Because he wanted to call the girl but forgot the number.
   C. Because he missed a call from a girl.
  10. What did the woman speaker probably think about her mistake?
   A. She felt sorry about it.     B. She felt glad privately.     C. She felt angry with the caller.
  Nowadays, more and more Americans pay attention to their (11)____. Perhaps as many as 70 (12)____ Americans are on a diet. Dieters spend money on diet pills, exercise machines, and jogging (13)____. Each year dozens of new diets become (14)____. There are even diet (15) ____ to encourage those who can’t lose weight on their own.
  第二部分:笔试部分 (135分)
  I. 单词填空。用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)
  1. As far as I’m concerned, the food is hot and ____ (spice).
  2. The highway ____ (construct) program is under way.
  3. We pay special attention to the rich ethnic and cultural ____ (diverse).
  4. Both of the sides hope for a lasting ____ (settle) of all these troubles.
  5. It’s said that each school sets its own ____ (admit) policy.
  6. Traditional ____ (herb) medicine plays an important role in our daily life.
  7. Only a ____ (minor) aren’t in favor of the project being carried out.
  8. Do you think the world’s 2008 ____ (finance) crisis is reappearing?
  9. Plenty of ____ (poison) waste water comes from that chemical factory.
  10. He is writing a ____ (history) novel about nineteenth-century France.
  II. 短語填空。选用方框中所给短语的正确形式完成句子。(10分)
  apart from, be very likely that, bring about, earn a living, head to, in addition, make a claim,
  occur to, a series of, date from
  1. It ____ my parents will not allow me to go there.
  2. Eat an apple before you ____ the park.
  3. He’s begun ____ personal attacks on my character.
  4. This new process has ____ great changes since then.
  5. He wished to ____ through writing but despaired of doing so.
  6. ____ clothes and bedding, I have nothing around me.
  7. ____, many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans.
  8. The origins of gunpowder in China also ____ the 9th century AD.
  9. A good idea ____ me while I was watching TV.
  10. You may ____ on the firm for the damages.
  III. 语法练习。用省略形式完成下列句子。(5分)
  1. ____ ____ (如果可能的话), he will help you do this.
  2. The program will be finished ____ ____ ____ (如果进行) smoothly.   3. ____ ____ ____ (當有困难时), I always turn to my classmates for help.
  4. Film has a much shorter history, especially ____ ____ (当比较) to such art forms as music and planting.
  5. Her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party, but she still ____ ____ (希望去).
  IV. 单项选择。(10分)
  1. I have no choice except ____ his conditions.
   A. accepting              B. to accept             C. accept             D. accepted
  2. She apologized to me and admitted ____ my umbrella by mistake.
   A. to take          B. being taken           C. taking                   D. to having taken
  3. It never ____ him that he should make such great success in teaching career.
   A. occurs to        B. comes to             C. turns to                 D. gets to
  4. In the afternoon, I ____ a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.
   A. headed to        B. arrived to             C. reached to              D. jumped to
  5. What do you think ____ the cultural diversity?
   A. brought up        B. brought out           C. brought down   D. brought about
  6. It is ____ that soap powders pollute the water we drink.
   A. claiming          B. claimed               C. to claim                D. claim
  7. After visiting Yunnan, I have to admit that it is the best province of China ____ the cold
   A. to escape         B. escape                     C. escaping               D. escaped   8. From the beginning, Buffett made his ____ from investing.
   A. living              B. wealth                C. money                 D. fortune
  9. I’m ____ going to get in touch with these people.
   A. friendly           B. especially                   C. definitely               D. instead
  10. He says the mid-term elections could have an ____ on his decision.
   A. effort             B. influence              C. addition                 D. excuse
  V. 完形填空。(20分)
  Life is a series of choices and we can’t always foresee the consequences. Harry Saleen, an obese man with too much money and power, faced a(n)_1_. Outside his office waited his personal _2_, bringing him the important news about the _3_ medicine that could save his life. On the other side of the world, one of his engineers waited for his decision on an important _4_ of business.
  His secretary asked him _5_ she could bring the doctor in. The billionaire businessman made his _6_. “Business comes first,” answered Saleen. _7_ the health problem caused by his huge weight, he was still _8_ about making money. He raised a _9_ finger, and one of his staff _10_ to switch on a large television set.
  On the screen appeared his engineer. They talked by satellite directly to each other although they were thousands of miles _11_. “It’s all ready to explode, Mr Saleen,” he said, “just one _12_.” His engineer was standing above Pakan Valley in South America. A few months ago, it had been a rainforest. Then Saleen’s men came, cutting down all the valuable trees and _13_ the villagers to move out. _14_ the valley, a dam had been built to provide power for the factories that Saleen planned to build in that area. The factories would bring him great _15_. Seeing no reason to delay, he ordered the engineer to press the button. There, in the valley, a cloud of dust rose, followed by a dull explosion. A large river changed its _16_ and water flooded into the valley.   “Good, that’s it. Now, get that doctor in here,” he _17_. The doctor came in with a worried look and started to examine his _18_ patient. “You are doing very well, Mr Saleen. The only medicine is saving your life. But the difficulty is getting more of it.”
  “Tell me what you need and we’ll get it,” Saleen said. The doctor said, “The medicine was made of a plant, which is _19_. There is only one place in the world where the plant grows.”
  “Where?” asked the businessman, _20_. The doctor smiled, “Well, luckily, the plant comes from one of the lands you own, sir. It comes from a place in South America, known as Pakan Valley.”
  1. A. result                 B. opportunity        C. choice                   D. problem
  2. A. doctor               B. secretary                     C. employee                    D. engineer
  3. A. amazing               B. interesting                    C. heartbreaking           D. important
  4. A. event                B. matter                   C. incident                  D. accident
  5. A. that                   B. whether                      C. until                    D. unless
  6. A. decision         B. mistake                C. promise                D. plan   7. A. Besides                    B. Despite                  C. Instead                  D. Except
  8. A. addicted               B. dying                         C. interested                    D. crazy
  9. A. rough                B. strong                         C. fat                      D. numb
  10. A. began                    B. stopped                C. hesitated                     D. hurried
  11. A. apart                     B. away                         C. far                      D. aside
  12. A. look                B. word                         C. moment                D. while
  13. A. forcing               B. asking                         C. forbidding                    D. stopping   14. A. Above                   B. Along                          C. Through                D. Across
  15. A. profits                   B. advantages              C. preferences        D. achievements
  16. A. branch                   B. location                C. routine                  D. course
  17. A. demanded           B. recommended          C. commanded       D. suggested
  18. A. healthy         B. wealthy                C. worried                  D. frightened
  19. A. common            B. usual                         C. rare                    D. normal
  20. A. delightedly          B. thoughtfully        C. impatiently         D. carefully
  VI. 閱读理解。(30分)
  Are you a music lover? If your answer is yes, you might be interested in the following music services.
  Apple Music
  Apple Music has more than 30 million songs and is available in over 100 countries.
  Search for “Holiday Music” to find playlists. Then tell voice assistant Sin to “play holiday music” to open the music program on your iPhone, iPod or Apple TV. The app will provide holiday playlists and stations.   You can also listen to Apple Music on your computer through the iTunes store or on Apple TV.
  Apple Music is free for the first three months. After that, users must pay a subscription(訂阅) fee.
  Google Play Music
  Google Play Music is also in the holiday spirit. Go to the Google Play Music Holiday page or app and search for “Holiday Music”.
  Google Play Music is available for free if you don’t mind the advertisements. If you do, buy a paid subscription to avoid them. Google Play Music offers more than 30 million songs in 58 countries.
  The service is available on your computer, and through apps on your Android phone and iPhone.
  Live365 is an Internet radio service available on your computer or mobile device. The service has 158 Christmas music stations, such as Contemporary Christmas Breezes and Classical Christmas.
  Live365 is free and available around the world. Searching for “Holiday Music” lets you listen to more stations without advertisements.
  Spotify, another online service, is filled with holiday music. Listen to playlists on Spotify by searching for “Holiday Music”. The playlists include Merry Christmas. The Best Holiday Music, Pure Christmas Music and pure Holiday Music.
  1. What do the music services have in common?
   A. They are free for charge.                   B. They have endless songs.
   C. “Holiday Music” can be searched for.        D. They have music stations.
  2. Which music service has a voice assistant?
   A. Google Play Music.   B. Live365.     C. Spotify.            D. Apple Music.
  3. Which of the following is a music station?
   A. Merry Christmas.                                  B. The Best Holiday Music.
   C. Classical Christmas.                          D. Pure Christmas Music.
  Every culture has its own ways to show friendship. On the island of Hawaii, friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”. In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago, aloha had a very special meaning. That is “to be with happiness”.   Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land, they are ready to love their people or community. This is the second most important thing of friendship. It is called lokahi in the Hawaiian language, which means “oneness with all people”. To enjoy the land, you should not be selfish. The land is for everyone who lives on. Today many different people call Hawaii their home. Indeed, Hawaii is a place where people make one big community from many smaller communities. Each person gives kokua (help) to other people so that all feel stronger. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise (天堂) when people live in peace. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea. When problems happen, people are asked to solve them with understanding. So when people of Hawaii talk about ohana (family), they are really talking about all those who live on the island.
  Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship. This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to one another. The lei, a string of flowers, is put over a friend’s neck. Then the friend is given a kiss on the cheek. Visitors to the islands are also given leis. When they hear aloha, visitors began to feel at home. Aloha also means “goodbye”, so visitors will hear it again when they leave. It can mean “our hearts singing together”. Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.
  4. Which of the following can be the proper title for this text?
   A. People in Hawaii.                            B. Visitors to Hawaii.
   C. Traveling in Hawaii.                          D. Friendship in Hawaii.
  5. How do you understand the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?
   A. Happiness matters most for Hawaiians.
   B. Friendship is always together with happiness.
   C. Friendship is every thing in Hawaiian culture.
   D. Friendship has special meanings for Hawaiians.
  6. Which of the following proverb can best express the idea of friendship by Hawaiians?
   A. Practice makes perfect.                      B. Love me, love my dog.    C. A penny saved is a penny gained.    D. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  7. Which of the following is a sign to show friendship by Hawaiians?
   A. A string of flowers.                          B. A kiss on the cheek.
   C. A sincere hug.                                     D. A warm handshake.
  My daughter graduated from college this year. I couldn’t be more proud of her. Through countless hours of study, books read, papers written, and tests taken, her hard work has paid off. She is no longer a little girl. She has become a wise, giving, caring, and loving adult. She has learned so much and is ready to start the rest of her life.
  I think the things I take most pride in her learning aren’t the ones she learned in the classroom. They are the ones she learned through living her life. My daughter already knows things that it took me much longer to learn. She knows that money can’t buy happiness. She knows that laughter exercises the lungs and love opens up the heart. She knows that doing what you love and loving what you do turns work into play. She knows that children are life’s most precious gift and that every child should be treated with kindness and love.
  My daughter knows that life often isn’t fair, that society often isn’t wise, and that everyone of us will face our share of problems. She also knows, however, that with love in our hearts we can bring learning, laughter, and joy to even the toughest days. She knows that life is a journey taken on a rocky road and that sometimes we stumble. She knows that we can pick ourselves up each time and even help someone else up as well. Most of all she knows that she is still learning, just as we all are. May she always know too just how much I love her.
  8. How did the author feel when her daughter graduated from college?
   A. Satisfied.        B. Calm.                   C. Grateful.                    D. Concerned.
  9. We can infer from the underlined words in Paragraph 2 that ____.    A. you should love work as well as play
   B. it’s important for one to turn work into play
   C. your work will become interesting if you love it
   D. what you love and what you do are totally different
  10. The author wanted her daughter to know that ____.
   A. her mother is well-educated                 B. her mother loves her very much
   C. she is cleverer than her mother             D. she has to keep learning all her life
  11. What does the underlined word “stumble” in the last paragraph probably mean?
   A. Climb.           B. Control.             C. Shock.                  D. Fall.
  Paper-cutting is one of China’s most popular folk arts. Archaeological (考古學的) findings show that the tradition started in the 6th century; it is even supposed that the beginning of paper cutting is even a few centuries earlier.
  Paper cuts have special importance at festivals and on holidays. To get rid of the old and bring good luck, people put up paper cuts on the windows on the Eve of the Spring Festival.
  Paper cuts are not produced by machine, but by hand. They are done all over China, but are different in the method in different areas. There are two methods of making paper cuts—by using scissors of knives. As the name suggests, scissors cuttings are made with scissors. Several pieces of paper (up to eight pieces) are placed together. The patterns are then cut with pointed scissors. Knife cuttings are made by putting several pieces of paper on a table. Following a pattern, the artist cuts the patterns into the paper with a knife.
  In the past, paper cuts are usually made only by women and girls. They use scissors and paper to cut all kinds of pictures such as apple trees, peach flowers, mice, fighting roosters and rabbits eating carrots.
  This used to be one of the skills that every girl was to master. Professional paper-cutting artists are, on the other hand, almost always men who can make a living by working together in workshops.
  12. How long has paper-cutting lasted at least?
   A. About 600 years.                        B. About 1,500 years.    C. About 2,000 years.                           D. About 2,700 years.
  13. People put up paper cuts on the windows in order to ____.
   A. make them look more beautiful          B. show others their excellent skills
   C. bring them good luck in the new year  D. sell them on the Eve of the Spring Festival
  14. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
   A. The process of making paper cuts.         B. Paper cuts are made by hand.
   C. Paper cuts are made by machine.           D. Two kinds of paper cuts.
  15. Paper cuts are usually about ____.
   A. things in our daily life                   B. family members of the artists
   C. sports and social activities                   D. fights between animals
  VII. 根據短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(10分)
  There are times when people come into your life, and you know at once that they are sure to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But _1_, you know that at that very moment they will affect your life in some serious way.
  _2_. However, on reflection you realize that without getting over them you would have never realized your potential ability and strength.
  Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.   _3_. Without these small tests, life would be like a smooth road to nowhere. The people affecting your life, and the successes and failures you experience, help to create who you are and who you become.
  Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most important ones. If someone hurts you, forgive them, _4_.
  _5_, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.   Most importantly, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.
  A. when you look eyes into them
  B. because you are likely to get addicted to them
  C. Don’t forget to embrace those unpleasant moments
  D. Make every day count and appreciate every moment
  E. Illness, injury and love all occur to test the limits of your soul
  F. Sometimes things happening to you may seem challenging at first
  G. for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious
  VIII. 语法填空。(10分)
  Heritage is our legacy (遗产) from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our _1_ (culture) and natural heritages are both irreplaceable (不可取代的) sources of life and inspiration. _2_ (place) as unique and diverse _3_ the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Great Wall of China make up our _4_ (world) heritage.
  The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks _5_ (encourage) the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered _6_ (be) of outstanding value to humanity. This _7_ (express) in an international treaty called the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, _8_ is adopted by UNESCO in 1972.
  _9_ does a place become a World Heritage Site? It _10_ (take) a lot of people to decide.
  IX. 短文改錯。(10分)
  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
  After watching the programme Where Are We Going, Dad?, I can’t help think of my parents. There are also many unforgettable memory between us. One Sunday ten years before, my dad and I went camping. He prepared all the equipment and teaches me how to put up a tent, that for a boy of seven wasn’t easy. He guided me patient and thanked me for my work, making me to feel I was very helpful. That was what my pride and confidence came. As the programme tells us, parents play important role in the growth of children. I’m grateful to my parents for their devotion of accompanying me.
  X. 书面表达。(20分)
  1. 时间:2020年10月25日——26日;
  2. 地点:学校图书馆;
  3. 活动内容:展示学生拍摄的摄影作品;评选优秀作品并颁奖。
  注意:1. 100词左右;
  2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
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A  選择适当的词汇或短语,并用其正确的形式填空。  folk, in common, spread, contain, satisfy, emotion, turn music into, perform, musician, totally  Hello, everyone! Now, Id like to say something about my love of music. Im ex
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So most Sundays I bang out a quick 5km run around my local park, it resets my body clock after a weekend playing video games or writing until like 3 am.  So as Im getting to the last half a kilometer,
1. relevant adj. 有关的;有意义的  【经典例句】  These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。  Please contact the relevant department. 请联系相关部门。  He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant informa
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Id like to see rabbits  under the moon,  dancing in winter,  dancing in June,  dancing around  while twilight lingers  and blinky-eyed stars  look down through their fingers.  Id like to see rabbits  