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看了上边的“妙语”是否很奇 怪,甚至怀疑子凡是不是也在头 脑发昏? 其实原因很简单,我在一篇 名为(反思录)的文章中曾写过如 下一段话: 现在的游戏已经有了许多固 定的模式,例如战略游戏就一定.要集中优势兵力,这本身并没有 错,但真实的战争却远非如此简 单。 现在制作游戏也巳有了许多 固定的模式,这些模式能够在激 烈的竞争中留传下来当然有其可 取之处,制作游戏时有模式可套 当然也会比较容易。问题是这些模式已用得太 多! 已落入了俗套! 已到了该变的时候! 虽然并不是每次的“变”都能 成功,但纵观世界各金牌制作小 组,无不具备了这种创新的精神, 他们才是市场潮流的创造者与真 正的大赢家! 国内的制作小组们,是不是 也已到了该“变”的时候? Looked at the top of the “punch line” is very strange, and even suspicious of those who are not usually also dizzy? Actually the reason is very simple, I wrote in an article entitled (Reflexology) wrote the following passage: Now the game has been There are many fixed modes, such as strategy games, and focusing on superior forces is not wrong in itself, but the real war is far from simple. There are certainly many fixed modes for making games now. Of course, these modes can be retained in the fierce competition. Of course, there are advantages for them. It is certainly easier to create a game with modes. The problem is that these patterns have been used too much! Has fallen into the stereotypes! It is time to change! Although not every “change” can be successful, but look at the world’s gold medal production team, all have the spirit of this innovation, they are the creators of the market trend and the real big winner! Domestic production team, is it right? Has also been the “change” time?
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