Dispatch coordination between high-speed and conventional rail systems

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:logoxx
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Cross-line trains,as a link between high-speed and conventional rail networks,will increase the complexity of transport organization and lead to significant challenges in dispatch coordination between the two systems.Based on the characteristics of high-speed transport organization,this paper deals with the necessity of dispatch coordination between high-speed and conventional lines from the following two perspectives:the operation of cross-line trains and work coordination in connection stations.An adjustment model for the operation of high-speed trains,taking cross-line trains into account,is established.Finally,the dispatch system is described in terms of construction and process.Methods for organizing dispatch are proposed,and the processes of coordination adjustment under normal and unexpected situations are analyzed.The discussion in this paper may serve as a theoretical basis for the development of high-speed rail dispatch systems. Cross-line trains, as a link between high-speed and conventional rail networks, will increase the complexity of transport organization and lead to significant challenges in dispatch coordination between the two systems. Based on the characteristics of high-speed transport organization, this paper deals with the necessity of dispatch coordination between high-speed and conventional lines from the following two perspectives: the operation of cross-line trains and work coordination in connection stations. An adjustment model for the operation of high-speed trains, taking cross-line trains into account, is established. Finaally, the dispatch system is described in terms of construction and process. Methods for organizing dispatch are proposed, and the processes of coordination adjustment under normal and unexpected situations are. The discussion in this paper may serve as a theoretical basis for the development of high-speed rail dispatch systems.
设计了一种用转镜扫描法测量高重复频率脉冲激光器输出光强二维分布的系统,给出了高重复频率脉冲TEA CO2激光器远场光强分布的测试结果。
舟山乡下的大娘舅去世的时候,正是上海十六铺码头消失的那一年  上世纪60年代初,在我们很小的时候,舟山那边的渔民亲戚,都是坐着木头机帆船,从黄浪滚滚的大海那边过来,在现在江浦路上的渔人码头上岸。我们去往舟山乡下,都是在晚上,头上船,经过黑天黑地的大海,第二天早上,到达沈家门或普陀山,然后转船摆渡直到朱家尖岛上的渔村。  小时候,外公外婆住在上海。舟山乡下来人,总是屋里屋外,黑压压一片。常常是,我们