NSFC Vice President Heads the Delegation to Finland

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A NSFC delegation headed by Prof.Liu Congqiang,NSFC Vice President paid a visit to Finland from May 29 to June 3,2013 at the invitation of the Academy of Finland(AF).During the visit,Prof.Liu held talks with Prof.HeikkiMannila,President of AF,reviewing ChinaFinland cooperation,exchanging the progress of NSFC-AF joint research projects,and making forwardlooking plans for future collaboration.Both sides were satisfied with the outcomes of the existing close bilateral collaboration,and expressed their joint support for future NSFC-AF collaboration and China-Europe multilateral collaboration.Members of the delegation include Prof.Chang Qing,Director General, A NSFC delegation headed by Prof. Liu Congqiang, NSFC Vice President paid a visit to Finland from May 29 to June 3, 2013 at the invitation of the Academy of Finland (AF). Drawing the visit, Prof. Liu held talks with Prof. Heikki Mannila, President of AF, reviewing ChinaFinland cooperation, exchanging the progress of NSFC-AF joint research projects, and making forwardlookinglooking plans for future collaboration.Both sides were satisfied with the outcomes of the existing close bilateral collaboration, and expressed their joint support for future NSFC-AF collaboration and China-Europe collaboration.Members of the delegation include Prof.Chang Qing, Director General,
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