强化设备管理 实行点检定修制——写在《梅山科技》设备专辑出版之际

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2000年上半年,公司生产、经营和建设顺利实现了时间过半、任务过半的目标,企业改革、科技创新、多种经营和精神文明建设等工作也取得较好的成绩。1~6月份,梅山工业总产值11.87亿元(按1990年不变价),销售收入18.53亿元,合并报表利润1786.82万元。热轧生产连续4个月实现月达产,炼钢试生产仅10个月就实现月达产,达产进程提前两年多。梅山债转股方案已上报国家经贸委,预计近期可以得到国务院的批准。债转股总额为29.95亿元。热轧薄板技改项目国务院已讨论通过,被列入国债专项资金计划,总投资13.12亿元。热电厂目前已基本具备并网发电条件。企发公司、联合公司、工程技术公司、技术中心、培训中心已相继挂 In the first half of 2000, the production, operation and construction of the Company successfully achieved the goal of over half of the time and over half of the tasks. Enterprise reform, scientific and technological innovation, diversified management and spiritual civilization construction also achieved good results. From January to June, the gross industrial output value of Meishan stood at 1.187 billion yuan (unchanged at 1990) with a sales revenue of 1.853 billion yuan and a consolidated profit of 17.8682 million yuan. Hot-rolled production reached 4 months in a row to reach the production, trial production of steel only 10 months to achieve production up to production more than two years ahead of schedule. Meishan debt swap program has been submitted to the State Economic and Trade Commission, is expected to be recently approved by the State Council. Total debt to equity was 2.955 billion yuan. Hot rolled sheet technological transformation project has been discussed and approved by the State Council, was included in the special treasury bond funds plan with a total investment of 1.312 billion yuan. Thermal power plant is now basically equipped with grid-connected power generation conditions. Enterprise development companies, joint companies, engineering companies, technology centers, training centers have been linked
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