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穿龙薯蓣(Dioscorea nipponica Makno)是薯蓣科薯蓣属植物,别名野山药、串地龙、地龙骨等,是东北地区道地药材之一.其有效成分为薯蓣皂甙元,具有活血舒筋、消食利水、祛风止痛的功能,主治腰腿疼痛、筋骨麻木、风寒湿痹等症.薯蓣皂甙元是合成各种避孕药和甾体激素类药物的重要原料.
【正】The Editor welcomes submissions for possible publication in the Letters to the Editor section. Letters commenting on an article published in the Journal o
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板栗胴枯病Endothid Parasiticd(Marr.)And.Et Aud又称栗疫病、干枯病、溃疡病.该病对板栗危害极大,常成片发生,引起栗树主干、主枝树皮腐烂,直至全株死亡.长期来该病害在全