聆听历史回声 共谋发展之力——评习近平主席在亚非领导人会议上的讲话

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一段记忆,在岁月的流逝中绽放光彩·一种精神,在时代的变迁中历久弥新。60年前的万隆会议,标志亚非发展中国家作为新兴力量登上国际舞台,树起亚非人民团结合作推动建立国际政治经济新秩序的不朽丰碑。60年来,万隆精神穿越时空熠熠生辉,照亮中国与亚非携手同行、发展繁荣的峥嵘岁月。岁过一甲子,近百位亚非国家领导人或代表及国际组织负责人聚首万隆,置身回顾与展望的交汇点。亚非合作呼唤弘扬万隆精神,世界发展期待中国贡献更多力量。 A memory, glorified in the passage of time, a spirit that has been renewed in the changing times. The Bandung Conference 60 years ago marks the emerging Asian and African developing countries as emerging forces on the international stage and as a monument to solidarity and cooperation among Asian and African peoples in promoting the establishment of a new international political and economic order. Over the past 60 years, the spirit of Bandung has shone through time and space, illuminating the remarkable years when China and Asia and Africa join hands to develop and prosper. Over a hundred years old, nearly a hundred leaders and representatives of Asian and African countries and heads of international organizations gathered in Bandung and came to the meeting point of review and prospect. Asian-African cooperation calls for the promotion of the Bandung spirit and the development of the world looks forward to making more contributions from China.
现为邢台市政协委员和市桥西区政协委员的韩德广,供职于一家银行,他的书法作品有很大影响。韩德广是清河县人,1970年生,自幼受父亲写毛笔字影响,爱上了书 Now Xingtai City
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他叫王忠海,是盘县四格彝族乡中心校工作员,他没有辉煌的业绩,没有惊人的壮举,却有着一股对教育事业无比执著的满腔热情,一直默默地在边远山 His name is Wang Zhonghai. He