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材料的高压氢脆问题是氢气储运中所常见的,针对材料氢脆性能的评价试验方法在国际上已经有许多标准发行,我国尚无相关标准,本文即针对材料氢脆的测试方法进行了介绍及讨论。根据载荷作用机制的不同,材料高压氢脆的测试方法可以分为三大类,分别为圆片试验方法、基于断裂力学的试验方法与基于慢应变速率拉伸的试验方法。这三类试验方法根据试样形式的不同会有所变动,在材料性能测试中所检测的指标也会有所不同,需根据工程实际进行合理选择。此外,为了推进材料氢脆性能评价研究,需加快对高压氢气试验装备的研发。 Hydrogen embrittlement of materials is common in hydrogen storage and transportation, hydrogen embrittlement performance evaluation test methods have many standards in the world, there is no relevant standards in our country, this article is for the material hydrogen embrittlement testing methods are introduced and discuss. According to the mechanism of load action, the test methods of high-pressure hydrogen embrittlement can be divided into three categories, namely the wafer test method, the test method based on fracture mechanics and the test method based on the slow strain rate tensile test. These three types of test methods according to the different forms of the sample will vary, the indicators tested in the material properties of the test will be different, according to the actual project to be a reasonable choice. In addition, in order to promote the evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement performance of materials, it is necessary to speed up the research and development of high-pressure hydrogen test equipment.
<正> 偏头痛是一种以头部血管舒缩功能障碍为主要特点的临床综合征。表现为周期性搏动样剧烈头痛,大多数发生在头部一侧。因病因复杂,故治疗较棘手,西医采用镇静剂及血管收缩
<正> 三阴交为足太阴脾经之穴,又为足太阴经交会穴,凡与肝脾肾相关疾病均可以用三阴交治疗,在临床应用非常广泛。尤其是在妇科疾病中,三阴交可以治疗经、带、胎、产及妇科杂
以低廉的铜胺络合物为新型模板剂, 成功地合成了含铜的 SSZ-13 沸石分子筛 (Cu-ZJM-1). 在合成过程中, 铜胺络合物既是模板分子, 又是催化活性组分铜物种的直接来源. 理论计