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10月,秋高气爽,可是寒露、霜降节气沿长江一线的丘陵地带常有岚、露、霜和雾;平原则有露、暗霜和霾。雾、露、霜都是近地天气现象,对钓鱼的影响是水温和溶氧量。如浓雾不散,看不到太阳或阳光暗淡,深水上凉下暖,底层鱼不咬钩,只能钓浅 October, autumn and winter, but the cold dew, frost reduce the temperate along the Yangtze River line are often Lan, dew, frost and fog; plain dew, dark cream and haze. Fog, dew and frost are all near-surface weather phenomena, the impact of fishing is the water temperature and dissolved oxygen. If the fog is not scattered, can not see the sun or the sun dim, warm and deep water, the bottom of the fish do not bite, only shallow fishing
对豆科格木属植物格木(Erythrophleum fordii Oliv.)树皮的乙醇提取物进行药理筛选,结果表明,对KB(人口腔上皮癌)、A2780(人卵巢癌)细胞具有较强的选择性抑制作用.从该醇提物
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