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在大面积的韭菜生产中依靠人工除草,往往因为除草不及时,造成草荒,严重影响韭菜生长,而采用相应的化学除草剂,科学用药,节省大量人工,能显著提高经济效益。1.播种前或播种后苗前除草技术韭菜籽的种皮厚,不易吸水,出苗慢,春季播种,一般需要15 ̄20天才能出苗。而一般杂草则发芽快 In a large area of ​​leek production by artificial weeding, often because weeding is not timely, resulting in grass shortage, seriously affect the growth of leeks, and the use of the corresponding chemical herbicides, scientific medication, saving a lot of labor, can significantly improve economic efficiency. 1. Sowing before or after planting seedling weeding technology Seedling thick, easy to absorb water, slow emergence, sowing in the spring, the general need 15 ~ 20 days to emerge. The general weeds germinate fast
患者,男性,24岁.因腰背部及双下肢剧烈疼痛1周,高热1 d就诊.患者1周前无明显诱因突然出现腰背部和双下肢剧烈疼痛,针灸治疗无效,需麻醉药止痛.既往体健.查体:体温39.6℃,血压120/80 mm Hg,神志清,表情痛苦,轻度贫血貌.皮肤无黄染、瘀点或瘀斑,浅表淋巴结不肿大.颈部无抵抗,胸骨无压痛.心肺检查未见异常.腹部平软,肝脾肋缘下未触及.四肢肌力正常,脊柱无畸形,生理弯曲存在,T9~L3
呕吐是孩子的常见症状之一。由于病因复杂,孩子一旦呕吐,家长往往束手无策,只能急忙往医院赶。那么,在去医院前、到医院时以及从医院回来后都要注意 Vomiting is one of the
将铸铁钢锭模使用前后的化学成分及显微组织变化做了对比研究。结果表明,钢锭模经反复使用后,其化学成分及组织发生了明显变化。距内壁30mm 区的碳、硅、锰严重氧化,距内壁20
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[Objective]To study the electrophysiology effects of Cestrum nocturumn n-Butyl Alcohol Extract (CNAE) on isolated guinea pig atria.[Methods] The conventional ex
Objective To discuss the effects of FRUCTUS MUME on SOD activity and MDA content in mice colon tissue with ulcerative colitis (UC).Methods Mice were given 3% DS
[本刊讯 ]  2 0 0 1年底 ,四川夹江县陶瓷企业已达 1 1 9家 ,生产线 32 8条 ,年生产能力为3 882亿平方米 ,其中墙地砖生产线 2 4 7 5条 ,年生产能力 1 675亿平方米 ,地砖生