
来源 :天津医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueeyes
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罗阿丝虫病在非洲国家中是一种严重危害人民健康的常见蠕虫病,我们从1981年11月~1982年12月在刚果人民共和国马格来及达兰盖依医院工作期间共收治罗阿丝虫病31例,报道如下:临床资料31例中男18例,女13例,年龄最小7岁,最大73岁。临床表现有搔痒感或蚁走感者20例(64.5%),皮肤或下肢肿胀者、有眼部症状者或有乏力头晕 Loach’s filariasis is a common helminth disease in African countries that is seriously detrimental to people’s health. We treated a total of 27 cases of Helminthomax in our country from November 1981 to December 1982 at the Magistral and Tangerangi Hospital in the Republic of the Congo A filariasis in 31 cases, reported as follows: 31 cases of clinical data in 18 males and 13 females, the youngest 7 years old, maximum 73 years old. Twenty patients (64.5%) had clinical symptoms of pruritus or antsophageal infection, swollen skin or lower extremities, those with ocular symptoms or who had weakness and dizziness
一、小儿肿瘤的远期预后评价小儿肿瘤的远期预后,可用Sutow 的生存质量法.从表一可见,长期生存的病例需控制原发肿瘤(如表一中1a 及1b);未能控制原发瘤(1b 及2ab)者其死亡率
陕政发[2006]40号各设区市人民政府,省人民政府各工作部门,各直属机构: 现将《陕西省“十一五”科学和技术发展规划(2006-20lO年)》(简称《规划》)印发给你们,请结合本地、本
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