Effect of erythropoietin combined with hypothermia on serum tau protein levels and neurodevelopmenta

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uestchujun
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Although hypothermia therapy is effective to treat neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,many neonatal patients die or suffer from severe neurological dysfunction.Erythropoietin is considered one of the most promising neuroprotective agents.We hypothesized that erythropoietin combined with hypothermia will improve efficacy of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treatment.In this study,41 neonates with moderate/severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy were randomly divided into a control group(hypothermia alone for 72 hours,n = 20) and erythropoietin group(hypothermia + erythropoietin 200 IU/kg for 10 days,n = 21).Our results show that compared with the control group,serum tau protein levels were lower and neonatal behavioral neurological assessment scores higher in the erythropoietin group at 8 and 12 days.However,neurodevelopmental outcome was similar between the two groups at 9 months of age.These findings suggest that erythropoietin combined with hypothermia reduces serum tau protein levels and improves neonatal behavioral neurology outcome but does not affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Although hypothermia therapy is effective to treat neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, many neonatal patients die or suffer from severe neurological dysfunction. Erythropoietin is considered one of the most promising neuroprotective agents. We hypothesized that erythropoietin combined with hypothermia will improve efficacy of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treatment. In this study, 41 neonates with moderate / severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy were randomly divided into a control group (hypothermia alone for 72 hours, n = 20) and erythropoietin group (hypothermia + erythropoietin 200 IU / kg for 10 days, Our results show that compared with the control group, serum tau protein levels were lower and neonatal behavioral neurological assessment scores higher than the erythropoietin group at 8 and 12 days. However, neurodevelopmental outcome was similar between the two groups at 9 months of age.These findings suggest that erythropoietin combined with hypothermia reduces serum tau protein levels and improves neonatal behavioral neurology outcome but does not affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome.
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