Ren Zhengfei’s World View

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Ren Zhengfei’s World View

  South Reviews
  Issue No.13, 2019
  After Meng Wanzhou’s arrest, Sino-U.S. trade negotiations also began to experience serious setbacks. As a result, Ren Zhengfei began to receive an unusual amount of media interviews. By combing through his viewpoints that he has shared in the interviews, we can see that he has been trying to maintain a balance.
  First of all, as Huawei’s spiritual leader and the head of a Chinese corporation, he has to make clear his stance that he does not dread the trade war and will keep developing chips on his own initiative. However, as a world-class entrepreneur, he must take the lead and introduce a modern rational value: in the past, the rise of Huawei was the product of deepening global division of labor; now, Huawei is striving for recognition from the international community, and needs to integrate into the world at a level beyond technology.
  In fact, in addition to the technical stratum, Huawei has been striving to integrate with the world in management. Over the past 20 years, Huawei has hired international consulting firms such as Accenture, BCG, PWC, and Mercer to contribute management wisdom to it.
  Ren Zhengfei understands the rules of competition in the world. More than that, he has a penetrating insight about the kind of strength that makes Chinese win, but has been neglected for a long time by the Chinese people. It is this broader world view that ushers in excellence.

Museums: the Future of Tradition

  Oriental Outlook
  Issue No.10, 2019
  May 18 is International Museum Day. This year’s theme is“Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition.”
  Tradition means that museums collect, preserve, research, and display human and natural heritages, and ultimately achieve cultural inheritance and knowledge dissemination. Future, on the other hand, indicates that under new social conditions, museums will begin to expand their own values, social functions, and external links in an all-round way.
  The theme of this year’s International Museum Day focuses on the role museums play as an active participant in communities, associations, and society. It advocates that museums provide high-quality culture to enhance the public’s sense of cultural identity and belonging, and improve the public’s happiness and sense of gain. As a “cultural hub,”museums should also be committed to building a platform for the exchange and dialogue between different civilizations, while maintaining cultural diversity, and promote the interconnection, tolerance, and mutual learning of different cultures.   It surprises people when they realize that museums are no longer the quiet buildings they used to be. They have evolved into a witness and participant of the exchange and dialogue between different groups and civilizations, and become a bond linking tradition and the future.

Hydrogen Vehicles on the Road

  China Financial Weekly
  Issue No. 13, 2019
  Do you know what China’s first fuel cell vehicle looks like?
  “To be exact, it’s not a car, it’s more like a small chemical factory.” According to Wang Binggang, an expert appointed for major science and technology projects of electric vehicles under the National “863” Program, two teams were needed to start the prototype car. One group was responsible for driving, and the other group was responsible for switching on and off the various valves.
  After 20 years, fuel cell vehicles are no longer the original“small chemical plant” model they once were. In 2018, sales of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles reached 1,527, bringing the accumulated total of sales to nearly 3,500.
  This year the hydrogen fuel cell automobile industry has shown signs of acceleration. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, more than 10 NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Great Wall Motors and Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. submitted proposals on hydrogen automobiles. “From a technical point of view, fuel cell technology for vehicles will gradually mature in about five years.” Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that the new generation of hydrogen production technology has made breakthroughs. Next, the more important issue that must be resolved is how to realize the industrial application of hydrogen vehicles.

Coffee Entering China

  Economic Weekly
  Issue No. 10, 2019
  On May 17, Luckin Coffee was officially listed on NASDAQ, the first Chinese coffee company to do so. The company, which was registered only in June 2017, entered the capital market at the speed of light, creating a record of the fastest IPO in the world. The shares of Luckin Coffee jumped more than 50 percent when the trading started, topping out at US $6 billion. After four trading days, the market value fell to US $3.4 billion, falling below the issue price. The Chinese coffee industry’s feelings are complex concerning Luckin Coffee’s listing. On the one hand, both its fast opening and capital operation are different from the past modes in the industry, even contrary to traditional business operation ideas. On the other hand, China’s coffee industry has been living in the shadow of foreign companies such as Starbucks and Nestle. With the breakthrough of a new player, the whole industry sees a flicker of hope.
  Coffee consumption in China is not long. If we count the opening of the first cafe in Guangzhou around 1836, coffee in China has a history of nearly 200 years. But if we count Maxwell entering China in 1984 and how the habit of drinking coffee quickly spread among ordinary people, the history is less than 30 years.
  With China’s rich tea culture, coffee is an “imported product” and has been branded as a foreign merchandise from the beginning. The current blooming situation of coffee in China came as the result of the hard work of many entrepreneurs.
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