Geochemical characteristics and source analysis of inflow of mine water in Wang’ershan Gold Mine, Sh

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charse
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Through a systematic observation of water level and temperature, and a comprehensive analysis of the data on major/trace elements, nitrite, hydrogen-oxygen isotopes, the conclusion has been drawn that there are two relatively independent groundwater systems (cool water and hot water), and the geochemical indicators of hot/cool waters are described. The cool water system is relatively enriched in Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3-. Its TDS is relatively low, about 1400–1800 mg/L. The hot water system is relatively enriched in K+, Na+, Cl- and SO42-. Its TDS is relatively high, about 2200–2300 mg/L. The cool water system is enriched in Ba, Ga, Cd, and the hot water system is enriched in B, Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mo, Rb, and Cs, relatively. Especially, the contents of Rb and Cs in the hot water system are more than five times as high as those in the cool water system. The NO3- contents of cool water discharged from the gold mine are relatively high, and those of hot water are extremely low. The δD and δ18O values follow an increasing order of surface water>mine cool water>mine hot water. The cool water comes mainly from the lateral supply of phreatic water, while the hot water comes mainly from the vertical supply of deeply circulating structure-fracture water. The ratio of cool water over hot water was estimated to be about 1:1 by a water quality model.. Through a systematic observation of water level and temperature, and a comprehensive analysis of the data on major / trace elements, nitrite, hydrogen-oxygen isotopes, the conclusion has been drawn that there are two more independent groundwater systems (cool water and hot water) , and the geochemical indicators of hot / cool waters are described. The cool water system is relatively enriched in Ca2 +, Mg2 + and HCO3-. Its TDS is relatively low, about 1400-1800 mg / L. The hot water system is relatively enriched in The TDS is relatively high, about 2200-2300 mg / L. The cool water system is enriched in Ba, Ga, Cd, and the hot water system is enriched in B, Ti, Cr , Ni, Cu, Mo, Rb, and Cs, relatively. Especially, the contents of Rb and Cs in the hot water system are more than five times as high as those in the cool water system. The NO3-contents of cool discharged from the gold mine are relatively high, and those of hot water are extremely low. The δD and δ 18O values ​​follow an increasing order of surface water> mine cool water> mine hot water. The cool water comes mainly from the lateral supply of phreatic water, while the hot water comes mainly from the vertical supply of deeply circulating structure-fracture water. ratio of cool water over hot water was estimated to be about 1: 1 by a water quality model.
我们这一代,总有许多人的爱情观是从电影里学来的。比如周小姐,看了《大话西游》之后,她终于总结出了一套自己的爱情标准。  作为圈子里最宅的一个,过去这些年,我能有幸和许多位男士当面聊天,都是拜周小姐所赐。用她的话讲,陪她相亲,是每个朋友应尽的义务。和A见面的那天,周小姐将见面的时间约在下午4点钟,她的理由简单直接,4点钟正好可以喝个下午茶,如果聊得开心,可以顺便再吃个晚饭。  但事与愿违,A先生迟到