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现在,工厂企业的厂长和经理们普遍感到日子难过,而且开始真的感受到形势颇为严峻。过去,在厂长中流传着这样一句话:“年年难过年年过,年年过得都不错。”很多厂长、经理已经预感到这句话成了老皇历,今年怕是不灵验了。厂长、经理们的日子为什么难过?一句话,资金紧张,运转不灵,有的企业甚至处于巧妇难为无米之炊的困境。由于资金紧张,材料买不进来,卖出去的产品收不回货款,再加上停电、缺煤、少油,一些原材料涨价,厂长和经理们的日子就更难过了。对眼前出现的这些现象,经济界有关人士的认识和评价并不一致。从大类上分,主要有两种:一种认为这是正常现象,是执行治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序方针的结果,而且这种难过的日子仅仅是开始,还会出现新的困难和矛盾。对工厂企业来说,这些困难既是挑战,也是考验,应该迎难而上,迎难而进,闯出一条新路子来,使企业的经营管理、生产技术、产品 Now factory managers and managers generally feel sad and have begun to feel that the situation is quite grim. In the past, there was a saying in the director: “It’s hard to pass year after year and it’s good to fly every year.” Many factory managers and managers have already foreseen that this sentence has become the old imperial calendar. This year it is not sensible. Why are the days of the director and manager sad? In a word, the capital is strained and the operation is not working, and some companies are even in the predicament that it is difficult for a clever woman to be without straw. Because of the shortage of funds, materials could not be bought in, the products sold would not be refunded, and due to power outages, lack of coal, and low oil prices, prices of some raw materials would be even more difficult for managers and managers. With regard to these phenomena that appear before the eyes, the understanding and evaluation of relevant persons in the economic circles are not consistent. There are two main categories of points: one is that this is a normal phenomenon and it is the result of the implementation of the principle of governing the economic environment and rectifying the economic order. And this sad day is only the beginning. There will be new difficulties and conflicts. . For factory enterprises, these difficulties are both challenges and tests. They should face the difficulties and advance from difficulties, and create a new path for the company’s business management, production technology and products.
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<正> 所谓滚动承包,是指具备一定条件的企业,在现承包期内的适当时机签订下一轮承包合同,即在原来一定3至4年承包的基础上,定出下一轮几项综合指标和分年度指标,并在期限上与
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时间:2010年11月15日14时   地点:上海余姚路胶州路   原因:高层住宅外墙脚手架起火   伤亡情况:58人遇难    原来,火灾离我们并不遥远。我们每天大部分的活动时间都在楼上。如果发生了火灾,我们应该做哪些事情呢?  报警拨打119火警电话。语句要精练,但要尽可能准确地说出火灾地点和被困人数等信息。