Initial organic geochemical investigation on Late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian sediments in the Yan

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roycetang
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Totally 19 samples of typical Upper Proterozoic Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks were collected and analyzed for an organic geochemical investigation. Almost all these rocks have high TOCs, super maturities and similar biomarker distribution. As an exception, however, the Sinian Nantuo Tillite shows much lower TOCs and little phytane and pristane in comparison with those in other strata, which implies a very faint photosynthetic process, and a restricted euphotic zone and quite limited sunlight within the sedimentary water column during the Sinian glaciation age in the western Yangtze region providing an evidence for palaeo oceanic environment of the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth age. Totally 19 samples of typical Upper Proterozoic Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks were collected and analyzed for an organic geochemical investigation. Almost all these rocks have high TOCs, super maturities and similar biomarker distribution. As an exception, however, the Sinian Nantuo Tillite shows much lower TOCs and little phytane and pristane in comparison with those in other strata, which implies a very faint photosynthetic process, and a restricted euphotic zone and quite limited sunlight within the sedimentary water column during the Sinian glaciation age in the western Yangtze region providing an evidence for palaeo oceanic environment of the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth age.
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