Modeling Distributed Multimedia Synchronization with DSPN

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjh75
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Multimedia synchronization is the essential technology for the integration of multimedia in distributed multimedia systems. The multimedia synchronization model has been recognized by many researchers as a premise of the implementation of multimedia synchronization. In distributed multimedia systems, the characteristic of multimedia synchronization is dynamic, and the key medium has the priority in multimedia synchronization. The previously proposed multimedia synchronization models cannot meet these requirements. So a new multimedia dynamic synchronization model-DSPN,based on the timed4etri-net has been designed in this paper. This model can not only let the distributed multimedia system keep multimedia synchronization in a more precise and effective manner according to the runtime situation of the system, but also allow the. user to interact with the presentation of multimedia. Multimedia synchronization is the essential technology for the integration of multimedia in distributed multimedia systems. The multimedia synchronization model has been recognized by many researchers as a premise of the implementation of multimedia synchronization. In distributed multimedia systems, the characteristic of multimedia synchronization is dynamic, and the key medium has the priority in multimedia synchronization. The previously proposed multimedia synchronization models can not meet these requirements. So a new multimedia dynamic synchronization model-DSPN, based on the timed4etri-net has been designed in this paper. This model can not only let the distributed multimedia system keep multimedia synchronization in a more precise and effective manner according to the runtime situation of the system, but also allow the. user to interact with the presentation of multimedia.
石榴(Punica granatum L.)为落叶灌木或小乔木。原产地中海沿岸,西汉时期引入我国,何时传入封丘时间不详,清(康熙)县志有最早文字记载。封丘石榴主要分布于陈桥和司庄公社的