
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mitsuaki
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Anoplophora glabripennis, Xylotrechus rusticus,Potosia (Liocola) brivitarsis and Ambrostoma quadriimpressum adults were controlled by injecting 0.8 mL imidacloprid per centimeter DBH on willow, poplar and elm trees in the field.Result showed that 285 adults of A.glabripennis were killed on 15 willow trees in 10 days with 25% imidacloprid insecticide and 281 adults were killed with 15% imidacloprid insecticide under same conditions.724 adulds of P. (Liocola) brivitarsis were killed on 10 willow trees in 10 days with 10% imidacloprid insecticide.50 adults of X.rusticus were killed on 5 poplar trees in 7 days and 146 adulds of A.quadriimpressum were killed on 4 elm trees in 5 days with 25% imidacloprid insecticide.Result showed that imidacloprid insecticide is a high effective systemic for these 4 species of pests. Anoplophora glabripennis, Xylotrechus rusticus, Potosia (Liocola) brivitarsis and Ambrostoma quadriimpressum adults were controlled by injecting 0.8 mL imidacloprid per centimeter DBH on willow, poplar and elm trees in the field. Resulting showed that 285 adults of A. gracilis were killed on 15 willow trees in 10 days with 25% imidacloprid insecticide and 281 adults were killed with 15% imidacloprid insecticide under the same conditions. 724 adulds of P. (Liocola) brivitarsis were killed on 10 willow trees in 10 days with 10% imidacloprid insecticide. 50 adults of X. rustus were killed on 5 poplar trees in 7 days and 146 adulds of A.quadriimpressum were killed on 4 elm trees in 5 days with 25% imidacloprid insecticide. Resulting showed that imidacloprid insecticide is a high effective systemic for these 4 species of pests .
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