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柯大夫:最近,我看网上流传这样一种说法:用马应龙麝香痔疮膏涂在眼部周围,不但可以去除眼袋和眼部细纹,更可以去除黑眼圈。这是真的吗?江苏孙××孙读者:睡眠不足、疲劳使眼睑得不到休息,会导致眼圈淤血,形成黑眼圈。单从成分上看,马应龙麝香痔疮膏具有活血化淤的功效,对于消除黑眼圈应该是有作用的。 Ko: Recently, I see the Internet spread such a statement: Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoids cream applied around the eyes, not only to remove bags under the eyes and eye lines, but also to remove dark circles. Is this true? Jiangsu Sun × × Sun readers: lack of sleep, fatigue, rest of the eyelids will not cause eye congestion, the formation of dark circles. From a single point of view, Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoids cream has the effect of promoting blood circulation, for the elimination of dark circles should have a role.