
来源 :政工研究动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guomenling
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北京市思想政治工作研究会在安排今年工作时提出,2001年是中国共产党建党80周年,是我国实施十五计划的第一年,是北京申办奥运的关键之年,全党、全国人民都将以崭新的面貌迈入21世纪。思想政治工作战线面临着更加繁重、艰巨的任务。 他们提出,2001年的课题项目是:基层思想政治工作新情况与发展趋势研究;思想政治工作要做解放生产力、发展生产力大文章;知与行——思想政治工作认识论与方法论;外来务工人员思想状况分析与工作对策;社区文化研究;高科技企业文化研究;网络思想政治工作研究。 北京市提出,要规范课题研究、试行研究课题立项制。要发挥市政研会作为北京市各级思 When organizing this year’s work, Beijing Research Institute for Ideological and Political Work proposed that 2001 was the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. It is the first year for China to implement the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the key year for Beijing to bid for the Olympics. All the people in the party and the people in the whole country will With a brand new look into the 21st century. The ideological and political work front faces more arduous and arduous tasks. They proposed that the topics for 2001 are: research on the new situation and development trend of ideological and political work at the grass-roots level; ideological and political work should be done to liberate the productive forces and develop a great article on the productive forces; knowledge and action; ideological and political work epistemology and methodology; migrant workers’ thinking Situation Analysis and Work Countermeasures; Community Cultural Studies; High-tech Corporate Culture Studies; Network Ideological and Political Work. Beijing proposed that we should standardize the research on topics and try out the research projects. To play municipal council as all levels of thinking in Beijing
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