Luo Hao: Man writing with his camera

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  Luo Hao, born in 1964 in Tibet, is the founder of the TBIS (Biodiversity Image Survey To Tibet) and one of the most renowned photographers in China. His parents used to be journalists embedded with the troops. After his mother was demobilized from military service, Luo Hao moved to the Sichuan province with his mother. In 1970, Luo moved back to Tibet with his mother and his younger brother, where he had seen some pictures of Tibet taken by Western photographers in the last century for the first time in his life. He was so surprised and wanted also to do something big like that, as he thought “people would also be surprised if they could see our pictures of Tibet one hundred years later”. Therefore, he has become determined to realize it- to protect the wildlife in Tibet with camera, which he sees also as the fulfillment of himself.
  Talking about the ecological environment of Tibet, Luo Hao said that he hope the team of the TBIS can keep an image record of Tibet. “Aren’t there someone rising the wildlife extinction theory about Tibet in international community? Our works would stop those rumors.”
  About TBIS
  Luo Hao met Xu Jian, the co-founder of the IBE (Image Biodiversity Expedition) in Beijing very occasionally. Luo Hao was showed a video made by IBE’s team. “I was really shocked by them,” Luo said. And after that time, Luo had the idea of inviting IBE’s team to have a visit in Tibet. And later there was the foundation of the TBIS. The exploration of the TBIS became more exciting and risky: once they’re attacked by the big bee in Himalaya; they successfully took photos of many rare animals including goral, angel insect and snout beetle living in the Himalayan regions, and they also made videos. In November 2012, Wu Lixin, one of the TBIS photographers who have many years’ experience of submarine shooting, moved his workplace under the water in the Basum Co Lake. Their video clips have been used for research purposes by some research institutions. They’ve also sponsored many popular science exhibitions and speeches in some big Chinese cities like Beijing, which received wide recognition. Their team is also invited by some local organizations in the Three Rivers Source Region and Yunnan province to take investigation and photographing of the local plants and animals due to their growing social influence.
  Exploration of the TBIS for each time requires extensive financial supports. At the beginning, the Tibetan Tourism Holdings Corporation covered all the expense of TBIS’s investigations; afterwards, they gradually became separated from the corporation and had to raise money themselves, for whichs and Luo sarcastically called himself “a beggaring monk”. Now ther are many enterprises and people from all walks of life donate for the TBIS through purchasing their books.   Most members of their team are photographers with many years’ experience of photographing nature, and some of them are biology researcher, outdoor adventure or ecological protection pioneer. To exemplify, they have Wu Lixin, whose masterpieces have been awarded silver award of the international underwater photographing prize, and Shen Pengfei, who once worked at the Lonely Planet on The Silk Road program, and Li Lei, who was the elected as the emerging director of the Discovery Channel of America for the year 2006.
  Their investigation has also been expanded from biology to humanity. In 2012, in pace with the intensified exploration in Basum Co of Tibet, Luo organized scholars as well as photographers for a humanism investigation and photographing project in several local villages.
  Eyes of Yarlung Zangbo: A Handbook for Biological Investigation at the Grand Canyon
  Luo Hao said that the newly published book- Eyes of Yarlung Zangbo: A Handbook for Biological Investigation at the Grand Canyon is the latest fruit of their investigation, which collected all the biological species they’ve found in that region.
  During the two years for preparing the book, TBIS’s team carried out investigations at the entrance part of the Grand Canyon. They took photos and shoot videos of all the plants and animals they found, which provides reference for biology or photography lovers with precious photos of biological species and natural views.
  It is never an easy task to take a good picture for both aesthetic and biological reference use. What’s more, photographing at the Grand Canyon also requests highly of the personal physical capability and persistence. For this book , the members of TBIS’s team had climbed over high and steep mountains, had been hiking along the Yarlung Zangbo River, had passed through original forests and suffered from mosquitoes, locusts and long waiting which had made them exhausted.
  Luo Hao also emphasized one of their discovery—the Motuo Zorotypus, which is for the first time in China. It’s found at the south bank of the Yarlung Zangbo River, which will provide strong evidence for the study on the expansion of this species’ living environment.
  TBIS’s investigation in Yarlung Zambo of this time is just a beginning to them, which is also a beginning to the biological investigation in this region. However, just a beginning like this has carried huge amount of information. Over 600 pictures have been collected in the book, covering birds, amphibian animals, beasts, insects as well as plants. The book not only includes photos but also related stories and illustrations, which are right beside the right photos. Luo also appreciated the editors of the publisher of the book- the Beijing Publishing Group, for their attention to details and great patience with the editing of the book over the past one and half years and the wonderful book they have presented to the readers. The editorial team for the book also includes professors and experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Peking University, the Beijing Normal University as well as the Research Institute of Highland Plants and Animals.   At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2014, Luo Hao and the Beijing Publishing Group signed a contract with the Russian Oriental Literature Publishing House on rights dealings of the book Eyes of Yarlung Zangbo: A Handbook for Biological Investigation at the Grand Canyon. The promotion of the book which is co-sponsored by the TBIS and the Beijing Publishing Group will be carried out in Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and other regions globally. Luo Hao has mapped out a plan for the next decade on their future photographing investigation, which will cover almost all the important areas of Tibet.
  He says: “I hope we can do something real for Tibet using ten years.”
  Extending reading: Ecological situation of Tibet
  The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with 90% of its land under cold, dry climate and lacking oxygen environment, has an unstable, sensitive and fragile ecological system. The plateau also features great geographic differences between different regions at the plateau, there are tropical, frigid zone and highland climate situation and so on.
  In recent years, the global climate change has generated great influence on the climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, featuring shrinking back of glaciers, degeneration of land, soil erosion and water loss and decrease of biological species. Since 1970s, Tibet has witnessed the setting up of nature reserves and the implementation of some environmental protection projects including restoring agricultural land to forest. So far, 47 natre reserves have been established in Tibet, 9 of which are national nature reserves covering a range of over 412.200 square kilometers, equaling to 34.35% of the total area of Tibet. According to the report Scientific Evaluation of Environmental Changes of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in June 2014, since the year 2000, the ecological environment of Tibet has been effectively improved due to the transformation of economic development as well as the launching of a series of ecological projects locally.
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