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在我国版图中,有一个很小的自治区——宁夏回族自治区,可在宁夏,却有一个全区最大的汽车站——银川汽车站。就是这个站,曾连续五年被国家交通部评为“文明汽车站”,同时被宁夏自治区列为“文明窗口示范单位”。 从1997年起,在站长雷达的带领下,车站领导班子团结一致,职工齐心协力,不断拼搏进取,坚持改革,强化管理,深挖企业内部潜力,积极拓展外部市场,物质文明和精神文明取得了双丰收。车站客运营收平均每年以20%的速度递增,今年又提前2个月完成全年任务,营收突破4000万元,创下了建站以来历史最好水平。 In our territory, there is a small autonomous region - Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in Ningxia, but there is a bus station in the region's largest - Yinchuan bus station. It is this station, which has been appraised as “Civilized Bus Station” by the Ministry of Communications for five years in a row. At the same time, it has been listed as a “civilized window demonstration unit” by Ningxia Autonomous Region. From 1997 onwards, under the leadership of stationmaster Radar, the leadership of the station team unanimously, the staff work together, continue to forge ahead, adhere to the reform, strengthen management, digging the potential within the enterprise, and actively expand the external market, material and spiritual civilization Double harvest. Passenger station passenger traffic average annual increase rate of 20%, this year and 2 months ahead of schedule to complete the task, the revenue exceeded 40 million yuan, setting a historic high since the establishment of the station level.
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