保康紫薇 延长花期迎国庆

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按照节令,进入9月紫薇便进入衰花期。然而,9月8日笔者在西北山区保康紫薇林里,看到的却仍是“红霞覆树千枝笑”的盛景。这些紫薇在开放4个多月后依然绚丽夺目,姹紫嫣红,缀满枝头。为什么会这样呢?据该县林业局紫薇繁育开发中心的技术人员介绍,这是实施延花处理技术的结果,紫薇林的花期将延长到国庆节之后。紫薇盛花期在5~8月,9月进入衰花期。为了延长花期,技术人员根据其“花芽分化和新枝同步生长”的生理特性,在3月和7月进行多品种嫁接,使今年紫薇林的第一朵花在“五一”旅游黄金周前的4月28日开放。8月以来,他们又采取有效措施,推迟花 In accordance with the order, into the September crape myrtle will enter the decay period. However, on September 8, I was in the northwest mountainous area of ​​Baocui Ziwei, but I still saw the grand scene of “Hongxia covered 1000 trees”. These crape myrtle in the open more than 4 months after still gorgeous, colorful, decorated with branches. Why does this happen? According to the county Forestry Bureau Lagerstroemia breeding development center of technical personnel, which is the result of the implementation of Yanhua treatment technology, Ziwei Lin flowering will be extended to the National Day. Ziwei full flowering in May to August, September into the decline of flowering. In order to prolong the flowering period, technicians, according to their physiological characteristics of “flower bud differentiation and synchronous growth of new branches,” carried out multi-species grafting in March and July so that the first flower of this year’s Zijin forest will be used in “51” Golden Week April 28 opening. Since August, they have also taken effective measures to delay spending
抗战期间,一个名叫黎东方的历史学家在重庆摆场子,收门票,说历史,先三国,后武则天,其中的人与事,没有一个没有出处,一改说书人的“演义”传统,一时间引发巨大轰动;  半个多世纪后,一个名叫易中天的学者,在央视百家讲坛摆了场子,一样说三国,一样摒弃“演义”,据实道来,娓娓动听,一样在最短的时间内达到白热化,名利双收。  电视和易中天联手打造的这个文化奇观,引发了不少争议。之前在电视上说古道今的余秋雨、