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本文介绍了测定锰结核中铀和钍的方法。样品用高氯酸和氢氟酸混合酸溶解后,铀从6M盐酸中被吸附在Dowex-1(氯型)强碱性阴离子交换树脂上。淋洗液蒸干后,残渣溶解在7M硝酸-0.25M草酸中,然后用Dowex-1(硝酸根型)阴离子交换树脂定量分离钍。用6M盐酸淋洗钍,并用铀试剂Ⅲ分光光度测定之。用1M盐酸将铀从氯型树脂上淋洗下来,然后再和铁、钼以及其它在Dowex-1柱(氯型)上共同被淋洗出的元素分离。介质由50%(V/V)四氢呋喃,40%(V/V)甲基乙二醇和6M盐酸组成。用相同组成的混合液和纯6M盐酸溶液洗涤树脂除去铁和钼后,被吸附的铀用1M盐酸淋洗出,再用荧光法测定之。本法已非常成功地用于太平洋中60个锰结核样品中PPm量级铀和钍的测定。 This article describes a method for the determination of uranium and thorium in manganese nodules. After the sample was dissolved with a mixed acid of perchloric acid and hydrofluoric acid, uranium was adsorbed onto Dowex-1 (chloride) strongly basic anion exchange resin from 6M hydrochloric acid. After the eluent was evaporated to dryness, the residue was dissolved in 7 M nitric acid-0.25 M oxalic acid and thorium was quantitatively separated using Dowex-1 (nitrate type) anion exchange resin. Thorium is eluted with 6 M hydrochloric acid and spectrophotometrically measured with uranium reagent III. Uranium is eluted from the chlorine-based resin with 1 M hydrochloric acid and then separated from the iron, molybdenum, and other elements commonly eluted on the Dowex-1 column (chlorine type). The medium consisted of 50% (v / v) tetrahydrofuran, 40% (v / v) methyl glycol and 6 M hydrochloric acid. After washing the resin with the same composition of mixed solution and pure 6M hydrochloric acid to remove iron and molybdenum, the adsorbed uranium was eluted with 1 M hydrochloric acid and then measured by the fluorescence method. This Law has been used with great success in the determination of PPm-grade uranium and thorium in 60 manganese nodules in the Pacific.
第 1期高节竹和水泥混合物的水化特性叶良明 ,余学军 ,韩 红 ,等 ( 1 )………………………………………………………水泥刨花板快速固化添加剂的选择研究———氯化钙、硅酸
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地震预报地球受力的作用,使地壳产生应变。这种应变不断积累起来直至在某一地区达到地壳屈服强度(极限强度)为止。此时累积的应变位能转换成包含在地变位之内 Earthquake p