
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rowhwafo
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随着我国社会经济的发展,现代化进程进一步加快,在不断提升的科学技术的推动下,我国的各行各业都在迅速发展,在改革开放后的几十年间取得了重大的成就。水文地质勘察方面也不例外,经过前辈的不懈努力,我国的水工环地质勘察工作也取得了好的发展。正是由于水工环的地质勘察工作对于我国的地质工作有很大的影响。本文就基于此,分析水工环地质勘察工作的内容,并在此基础上探析水工环地质勘察在地质工作中的应用。 With the development of our country’s society and economy, the process of modernization has been further accelerated. With the promotion of science and technology, our country has enjoyed rapid development in all walks of life and made significant achievements in the decades since the reform and opening up. Hydrogeological survey is no exception, after unremitting efforts by our predecessors, China’s hydraulic ring geological prospecting work has also made good progress. It is precisely because of the geological survey of hydraulic ring for our geological work has a great impact. Based on this, this paper analyzes the contents of the hydraulic ring geological prospecting work, and on this basis, explores the application of hydraulic ring geological prospecting in geological work.