Effect of salinity and acidity on bioleaching activity of mesophilic and extremely thermophilic bact

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rainbow820710
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The effects of bacterial strain, salinity and pH on the bioleaching of a complex ore using mesophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria were investigated and the statistical analysis of the results was performed using ERGUN’s test. The extreme thermophiles were shown to display superior kinetics of dissolution of zinc compared with the mesophiles as confirmed by the statistical analysis. Bioleaching performance of the extreme thermophiles is found to improve in response to the increase in acidity (pH from 2.0 to 1.0) whilst the activity of the mesophiles is adversely affected by decreasing pH. Statistical analysis of the bioleaching data indicates that the effect of pH is insignificant in the range of pH 1.0-1.2 for the extreme thermophiles and pH 1.4-2.0 for the mesophiles. Salinity is shown to have a suppressing effect on the mesophiles. However, the extreme thermophiles appear to be halophilic in character as they could operate efficiently under saline conditions (1%-4%Cl- (w/v)). The effects of bacterial strain, salinity and pH on the bioleaching of a complex ore using mesophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria were investigated and the statistical analysis of the results was performed using ERGUN’s test. The extreme thermophiles were shown to display superior kinetics of dissolution of zinc compared with the mesophiles as confirmed by the statistical analysis. Bioleaching performance of the extreme thermophiles is found to improve in response to the increase in acidity (pH from 2.0 to 1.0) whilst the activity of the mesophiles is adversely affected by increasing pH. Statistical analysis of the bioleaching data indicates that the effect of pH is insignificant in the range of pH 1.0-1.2 for the extreme thermophiles and pH 1.4-2.0 for the mesophiles. However, the extreme thermophiles appear to be halophilic in character as they could serve efficiently under saline conditions (1% -4% Cl- (w / v) ).
摘 要 本文主要从作者自身的教学经验研究了非法学院法学本科学生有关国际经法法方面的培养目标问题、选修课设置与师资力量问题、教学内容和教学方法问题(特别是双语教学问题)、学生实践锻炼问题以及教学评估问题,提出了一些具体的建议。    国际经济法是我国教育部对于法学专业本科生的教学统一指定的16门核心课程之一。  国际经济法课程应用性较强,特别是对于地方高校非法学院的法学本科教学来说,由于其在学生培养
心理学研究表明: “情感”本质上是一种态度的体验,即人对客观事物是否符合人的需要而产生的心理反应,其功能主要是动力作用,体现在对意向的调节、维持和定向上,它与认识一起,从不同角度对教学过程施加重大影响。苏霍姆林斯基说过:“只有当情感的血液在知识的肌体中欢腾跳跃的时候,知识才会融入人的精神世界”。作为教师,只有充分认识到这一点,通过创设情感交流的文化活动,营造情感交流的氛围,拉近师生之间的心理距离,
摘 要 高尚的情感是人们从事学习、工作、劳动的巨大动力,而幼儿期是人类情感发展和进行情感教育的重要时期,幼儿园作为幼儿教育场所,应着重于爱的情感教育,要求教师树立模范形象,加强幼儿爱心情感的培养,教育幼儿在享受爱的同时学会给予爱,教育幼儿发扬中华传统美德,从小学会奉献爱心,关爱弱势群体,为幼儿人生情感素质的培养上好第一课。  关键词 幼儿 情感 培养    前苏联著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:
九年义务教育初中英语教材自实施以来,我发现在备课中存在以下几个问题值得注意:   一、备课前要钻研教学大纲,通读、熟悉、钻研教材,找 出教材的重点、难点和它们之间的内在联系,根据教材内容制 定教学目的、教学要求和教学方法   教学大纲是编写教材的依据,是教师进行教学的依据,是学生学习的依据,也是考核的依据,因此要重视 大纲的学习。在钻研大纲的基础上通读教材,可以增强对教材的理解。只有对教材有较深刻
摘 要 教育应以促进人的全面发展为目标,应把认知和情感两方面统一起来。然而,在我们的实际教育中,人们过于强调语言的认知因素,忽视情感因素对语言学习的影响。本文试从情感及其情感与语言学习的关系、英语学习中的情感因素等方面入手,探讨一下在英语教学中如何运用情感因素,促进学生的全面发展。  关键词 情感 情感因素 英语教学    情感教育是现代学校素质教育不可忽视的重要方面和核心内容,它在促进学生个性主