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主持人语 本期为创刊了30期纪念专号,德高望重的老一辈美术家于安澜、关山月、蔡若虹、王琦、张仃、崔子范、潘絮兹、梁树年、亚明、沈柔坚、沈鹏、王学仲、丁聪、周韶华、王伯敏、刘艺等先生欣然惠赐墨宝给于鼓励。3月12日我刊召开了“《美术观察》30期座谈会”。这次会议主要是征求意见,即请与会者以专家、作者和读者的三重身份对《美术观察》发表意见;同时,讨论美术期刊怎样办得更好,探讨办刊中带有规律性的东西。会议目的在于对《美术观察》创办以来作一小结,找出差距,吸收同专业兄弟报刊的长处,以便改进、前进,从而为美术期刊的编辑出版工作进行理论探讨。 近五十位出席者,有在京美术专业期刊主编,杂志社社长,美术学院的教授、画家、研究部门的史论家,以及首都各大报的美术栏目负责人。有的则来自报纸、期刊和电台、电视台等新闻单位,他们从不同年龄段和不同的认识角度出发,结合自己的经验和体会,坦诚地发表了意见,既有热情的鼓励和支持,又有恳切的希望和鞭策。《美术观察》杂志社的全体工作人员为此深受感动,他们为自己的工作,赢得了理解、赞誉而高兴,同时更感到自己肩上担子的沉重。我们衷心感谢广大读者的关心和支持,让我们携手共创《美术观察》的美好未来。 Moderator language This issue of the first issue of 30 commemorative special, respected senior generation of artists in Anlan, Guan Shan month, Cai Ruohong, Wang Qi, Zhang Ding, Cui Zifan, Pan Xuzi, Liang Shu-year, Arming, Shen soft Kennedy Peng, Wang Xuezhong, Ding Cong, Zhou Shaohua, Wang Boyin, Liu Yi et al pleased to benefit the ink to give encouragement. On March 12, I published “Symposium on 30 Art Expositions”. The meeting mainly solicited opinions, that is, invited participants to express their opinions on “art observation” with the triple identities of experts, authors and readers. At the same time, it discussed how to run fine art journals and discuss regularities in running journals . The purpose of the conference is to make a brief summary of the “art observation” since it was founded, to find out the differences and to absorb the strengths of the professional brothers and periodicals so as to improve and move forward so as to theoretically probe into the editing and publishing of art periodicals. Nearly 50 attendees were professors and painters of Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, presidents of magazines, academy of fine arts, historians of the research department, and heads of the art departments of the major newspapers in the capital. Others come from newspapers, periodicals, news stations such as radio and television stations. They express their opinions honestly from different age groups and from different perspectives and from their own experiences and experiences. They both have the encouragement and support of enthusiasm and Sincere hope and encouragement. All of Art Watch magazine’s staff were so touched by the fact that they were pleased with their work, gaining comprehension and praise, and feeling the heavy burden on their shoulders. We sincerely thank the readers for their concern and support, let us work together to create a beautiful future of “art observation.”
熟语是汉语语言系统的一个重要组成部分。“竹”文化熟语表现了竹在人们日常生产生活中的重要性,浓缩了先人丰富的生活经验,反映了深刻的处世哲学和人生理念。 An idiom is
<正>目前,我国许多质检机构正是在计 划经济体制下设立的,而面对着市场经济,它们如何生存与发展呢?我认为它们要在市场中脱颖而出,主要要做到以下几点: