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在原有教学模式中,老师是主体,教师对于学生的思维能力的培养就显得来说较为的薄弱,因此,在当今社会中,面对各种各样的问题和竞争,学生如果通过原有的教学模式并不能完好的应对,因此,加强学生自主学习的能力就显得尤为重要,而加强学生自主学习的关键之处在于发挥学生在教学当中主体的作用。本文先从学生主体作用的概要出发,先了解学生主体作用的概念和特征以及发挥学生主体作用对于老师的教学所起到的重要作用,最后再分析在高中语文的教学之中学生主体作用发挥的重要意义以及怎么才能最好的发挥学生的主体作用。 In the original teaching mode, the teacher is the main body, and the teacher’s ability to train the students’ thinking ability is relatively weak. Therefore, in today’s society, in face of various problems and competitions, if students pass the original Therefore, it is very important to strengthen students ’ability of autonomous learning. The key to strengthen students’ autonomous learning is to play the role of the main body of students in teaching. This article begins with the summary of the role of students, first of all to understand the concept and characteristics of the role of students and play an important role of the role of the students in the teaching of teachers, and finally analyze the important role of the role of students in the teaching of high school Chinese Significance and how best to play the main role of the students.
前言银屑病是一种较常见的皮肤科疾患,其病因尚不完全清楚。治疗以激素外用为主,目前采用的PUVA疗法、Geockerman 疗法、内服维生素甲酸,内服MTX 以及透析疗法等,从其效果和
利用薄层层析,鉴别栝楼属药用植物。 Thin-layer chromatography was used to identify the medicinal plants of the genus Trichosanthes.
细辛系马兜铃科植物北细辛Asarum heter-otropoides Fr. Schmidt var.mandshuri-cum(Maxim.)Kitag.或华细辛Asarumsieboldii Miq.的干燥全草。性味辛温,具散寒止痛、温肺化
醋柳是一种野生植物,属胡颓子科(Elaegnaceae),学名Hiffrethae rhammoides L.,生长于我国康藏高原,资源丰富。其果供药用,藏医用于活血化淤、祛痰止咳、消食化滞。醋柳果汁
自1982年以来我们采用黄连醋浸液治疗脚癣,收到显著效果。现介绍如下:一、处方黄连15g 食醋100ml二、制法将黄连打碎,加入食醋浸泡七天后用纱布过滤即得。三、用法用棉签沾
芙蓉花为豆科植物合欢(Albiggia julibrissin Duragg绒花树,或芙蓉花树)的花,晒干做成煎剂(1:1)。苦参注射液(2:1、2ml装安瓿),氧化苦参碱(20mg/2ml装安瓿)由北医制药厂供给