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40多年前一个冬日的傍晚,一个小男孩徘徊在乡间小路上,忽然,他停下了脚步,急忙从书包里掏出纸和笔,描画起眼前的乡野景致来:小河、群鸭、暮日、归鸟、翘盼早春的白杨树和炊烟袅袅的农舍……不一会儿,这男孩仰起了脸,怅然若失地立于冷风中——他没有足够的彩笔把故乡的景色画得更绚丽。40多年过去了,昔日的小男孩,如今已成为深受人们喜爱的书画家,他,就是张海峰。张海峰,笔名龙门子,1943年生,原籍山东平原县,60年代初毕业于山东艺专美术系,多年来一直致力于中国书画的研究创作。他初学油画,后改攻国画,专擅花鸟写意,尤以画牡丹蜚声海内外。牡丹因其雍荣华贵,美艳绝伦,为民众所喜爱,并被看作是美满和理想的化身,因而它也成了中国历代丹青妙笔格外钟情的对象。这给张海峰从事牡丹绘画提供了取之不竭的艺术营养,但他并未拘泥于古人,而是广采博取,吸收古今 A little boy wandered over the country road 40 years ago on the evening of a winter day. Suddenly he stopped and hurriedly pulled paper and pen out of his bag to draw the picture of the immediate countryside: the river, the duck, the twilight Day, return to the bird, looking forward to early spring poplar trees and smoke curl of the farmhouse ... In a moment, the boy looked up, lost face stand in the cold - he did not have enough crayon to paint the more beautiful scenery of his hometown. More than 40 years later, the former little boy has now become a popular painter and painter, and he is Zhang Haifeng. Zhang Haifeng, Pen name Longmen, was born in 1943, native of Shandong Plain County, graduated from the early 60s Shandong Arts College of Fine Arts, over the years has been committed to the research of Chinese painting and calligraphy. He started painting, later attacked traditional Chinese painting, specializing in flowers and birds freehand, especially the famous peony painting at home and abroad. Peony because of its elegant, beautiful, peerless, loved by the people, and is seen as the embodiment of beauty and idealism, so it has become the object of extraordinary love of the Chinese dynasty wonderful Danbi. This provides Zhang Haifeng peony painting with inexhaustible supply of artistic nutrition, but he did not rigidly adhere to the ancients, but widely adopted to absorb ancient and modern
刘锡山,男,1936年出生于江苏徐州。1954年入军校,后在部队服役多年。1982年转业后任山东省美术馆副馆长、文化厅史志办公 Liu Xishan, male, born in 1936 in Xuzhou, Jian
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