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2005年新年前夕,正在广州进货的叶杏红接到店里遭受火灾的消息后,连夜启程朝家赶。她经营的是以木质为主的建筑装饰材料,遇上火灾,那五十多万元存货不都完蛋了?一下车,她就直奔店里,听说相邻几位店主损失都达五六万,最多的一家超过十万,而自己店里损失不到一万元。正在她庆幸自己运气不错之际,店里的一个伙计对她说:“叶经理,你知道吗,火是从我们店里引发的,要不是马传新师傅带领我们奋力扑救,转移货物,我们这个店恐怕不存在 On the eve of 2005 New Year, Ye Xinghong, who was in Guangzhou, received a fire at the store and started to drive towards the house overnight. She runs a wood-based architectural decoration materials, in case of fire, that more than five hundred thousand yuan inventory is not finished? Get off the car, she went straight to the store, I heard that the loss of several adjacent owners up to five Sixty thousand, up to a more than one hundred thousand, and lost less than 10,000 yuan in their own store. Just as she was fortunate that she was lucky, a shop assistant said to her: ”Yejing Li, do you know that the fire was triggered from our store? If not, Master Ma Chuanxin led us to work hard to save and transfer goods, and we I am afraid that the store does not exist
Li Bingbing is a high-profile film actress in China today. Born into a family in a nondescript county town in the north, her first childhood dream was to become
A 16-meter-tall bronze statue of Yu the Great towers in the Yu Mausoleum. The statue is a landmark of the tourist attraction in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. Loc
目的 分析在小儿咳嗽中应用耳穴贴压辅助治疗与护理干预的临床效果.方法 选取于我院进行咳嗽治疗的患儿42例,选取时间:2016年12月——2019年12月,例数分配方式:采用中心原则,
一、选用以色列樱桃番茄品种,8月中旬播种,育苗期间管理同常规番茄。 二、定植前,667米~2施优质腐熟农家肥7500公斤,过磷酸钙100公斤,硫酸钾50公斤。9月15日左右定植,在大行
安徽宣州市峄山乡张雨生来信要求本刊刊登“莲藕的地膜覆盖栽培技术”,现请华中农业大学园艺系郑世发副教授撰文如下: 近几年来,湖北省的仙桃、荆门等地进行塑膜拱棚覆盖莲