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近年来,随着世界商船队规模扩大和旧船报废增加,新船需求保持适度增长,世界造船能力逐年扩大。世界造船市场韩国、日本占主导地位的格局未变,韩日两国占世界造船市场的份额继续增长,西欧所占市场份额则持续下降。中国作为世界第三大造船国的地位得到了巩固和发展,但我国在船舶设计技术和建造方面与日、韩、德等国相比仍有很大的差距。世界造船业:前景展望当前,国际航运市场转暖、新船成交价回升,美国和西欧经济也出现下半年复苏的迹象,特别是船舶科技迅速发展和海洋经济的崛起,给传统造船业注入了新的生机和活力,加上大批旧船尤其是油轮面临退役,需要更新补充,以及对船舶安全要求的提高,许多船舶将提前报废,世界造船业总体上呈稳步发展的趋势。世界造 In recent years, as the scale of the world’s merchant fleet and the scrapping of old ships have increased, the demand for new ships has maintained a modest increase and the world’s shipbuilding capacity has been expanding year by year. World Shipbuilding Market South Korea, Japan, the dominant pattern has not changed, South Korea and Japan share of the world shipbuilding market continues to grow, while Western Europe’s market share continued to decline. China has consolidated and developed its position as the third largest shipbuilding country in the world. However, China still lags behind Japan in designing, building, and shipping technologies with Japan, South Korea and Germany. World Shipbuilding Industry: Prospects At present, the international shipping market is getting warmer and the transaction price of new ships picks up. The U.S. and Western European economies also show signs of recovery in the second half of the year. In particular, the rapid development of shipping technology and the rise of the marine economy have infused the traditional shipbuilding industry New vigor and vitality, coupled with the retirement of a large number of old ships, especially oil tankers, need to be updated and supplemented, and the requirements for ship safety are improved. Many ships will be scrapped ahead of schedule and the world shipbuilding industry as a whole has shown a steady development as a whole. Made in the world
南非SASOL公司生产的全合成喷气燃料批准在即,所有相关的资料已送英国国防部和发动机及飞机制造公司。几年前,含50%合成煤油的半合成喷气燃料Jet A-I规格首次被批准,随后含75
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Ball Corporation 是全球金属及塑料包装的主要供应商之一,其包装产品主要面向饮料、食品企业。Ball Corpo-ration 的公司战略是通过产品生产、市场营销、产品服务来满足饮料