
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaya1717
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Objective: To investigate the optimizing of operative techniques on cavernous hepatic hemangioma by compar-ing the effective of the two approaches (enucleation and hepatectomy). Methods: From May 1994 to September 2006, forty-three patients underwent the surgical removal of the cavernous hepatic hemangioma were analyzed retrospectively. Enucle-ation was used for 16 cases and hepatectomy for 27 cases. The relative clinical data and operative factors between the two operative techniques were compared. Results: Statistically significant differences in tumor size, location and intraoperative blood lose between the two groups were observed (P < 0.05 ). Although enucleation was associated with less intraoperative bleeding and transfusion requirement but no significant differences in postoperative liver functional parameter, complication and length of hospital stay were observed. Conclusion: With proper choice, enucleation and hepatectomy both are effective treatments for cavernous hepatic hemangiomas. Objective: To investigate the optimizing of operative techniques on cavernous hepatic hemangioma by compar-ing the effective of the two approaches (enucleation and hepatectomy). Methods: From May 1994 to September 2006, forty-three patients underwent the surgical removal of the cavernous hepatic The relative clinical data and operative factors between the two operative techniques were compared. The results of Statistically significant differences in tumor size, location and intraoperative blood lose between the Two groups were observed (P <0.05). Although enucleation was associated with less intraoperative bleeding and transfusion requirement but no significant differences in postoperative liver functional parameter, complication and length of hospital stay were observed. Conclusion: With proper choice, enucleation and hepatectomy both are effective treatments for cavernous hepatic he mangiomas.
一念之差 ,使人误入魔幻地域。受昧心奇巧的引诱 ,妄图虚构的如意。乘上随心所欲的风 ,滑向无奈的结局。本想省事却费了周折 ,本想省力却耗得力尽精疲。本想遮丑却被曝光 ,本
近来,在距珠三角腹地100到300公里的环形辐射带上,出现了这样一些“劳动密集型产业聚集地”——它们虽地处粤北山区或东西两翼,地理位置上与珠三角没有任何关系,但这里的企业从珠三角搬迁来,园区的经营管理和招商一般由珠三角方面的人主持,产业园每年产生的工业产值和税收,要与珠三角各地市平分……这里有人称为工业园,有人称为“产业转移园区”,更多人称它们是珠三角环形辐射带上的“飞地”。  而企业在甲地,但产
6月 18日 11时 2 0分 ,安徽省桐城县驾驶员甘某驾驶着 1辆皖 H- 11118号厦门金龙中型客车。车上违章客货混装 ,载有 10余名乘客和 2 8桶油墨 ,由江苏无锡回桐城。当车行至合