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目的:总结儿童肺放线菌病的临床特征、影像学表现、诊治方法及预后。方法:回顾性分析浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院呼吸科2019年12月收治的1例肺放线菌病患儿的临床资料。以“儿童”或“小儿”和“肺放线菌病”为关键词在万方数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中国维普数据库,以“pulmonary”或“thoracic”和“actinomycosis”和“pediatric”或“children”或“child”为关键词在PubMed数据库检索1975年1月至2020年1月相关文献进行文献复习。结果:患儿 男,12岁6月龄,因“咳嗽伴胸痛20 d余”收入院,病初3 d有发热,外院胸部CT示“右肺中叶炎性病变,不除外空洞形成”,2次纤维支气管镜检查示“右中叶支气管黏膜充血水肿”,且1次灌洗液示结核杆菌DNA阳性,但结核菌素试验及结核感染T细胞检测均阴性。入院后患儿有咳嗽伴胸痛,体温正常,再次行纤维支气管镜检查,灌洗液送检病原微生物宏基因测序,检测出放线菌属(检出序列数222),格雷文尼放线菌(检出序列数185)。入院后予头孢哌酮舒巴坦针静脉滴注抗感染2周,出院后口服阿莫西林克拉维酸钾片6周,随访至2020年4月患儿无临床症状,且胸部影像学提示病变已明显吸收好转。共检索到符合条件的外文文献8篇,未检索到中文文献,共报道62例肺放线菌病患儿,文献报道最小年龄为27月龄。该病临床特征无特异性,主要表现为胸壁肿物(8例)、咳嗽(23例)、疼痛(胸部、背部、肩部、腋窝)(24例)、发热(25例)、体重下降(26例)等。结论:儿童肺放线菌病的临床特征及影像学表现均不典型,临床上极易误诊,支气管肺泡灌洗液病原微生物宏基因测序有助于确诊,经抗菌药物治疗预后良好。“,”Objective:To summarize the clinical characteristics, imaging features, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of pulmonary actinomycosis in children.Methods:The clinical data of a child with pulmonary actinomycosis who was hospitalized in Children′s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine in December 2019 was retrospectively analyzed. The related literature published from January 1975 to January 2020 was retrieved from Wanfang, CNKI and PubMed databases with “pulmonary” or “thoracic” and “actinomycosis” and “pediatric” or “children” or “child” as the keywords. And the characteristics of pediatric pulmonary actinomycosis were summarized based on the literature review.Results:The patient was a boy aged 12 years and 6 months. He was admitted due to cough and chest pain for more than 20 days, with fever on the first three days. The chest CT scan in local hospital found inflammatory lesions in the right middle lobe, which was also suspected to be cavitation. The flexible bronchoscopy showed congestion and edema of bronchial mucosa in the right middle lobe, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid smear was positive for acid-fast bacilli DNA, although both purfied protein derivatives tuberculin test and T-spot were negative. During the hospitalization, the child had persistent cough and chest pain, but no fever. Pathogen metagene sequencing of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid detected Actinomyces (sequence number: 222) and Grevini Actinomycetes (sequence number: 185). The boy received intravenous cefoperazone sulbactam sodium for 2 weeks followed by oral amoxicillin clavulanate potassium for 6 weeks. Until April 2020, his clinical symptoms completely relieved, and the pulmonary lesions were significantly absorbed on the latest chest CT scan. Eight articles and 62 children with pulmonary actinomycosis were reported, but no related reports were retrieved from CNKI and Wanfang databases. The youngest case was 27 months old. The clinical presentations of this disease were nonspecific. The main symptoms included chest wall masses (8 cases), cough (23 cases), pain (chest, back, shoulders and armpits) (24 cases), fever (25 cases), weight loss (26 cases), etc.Conclusions:The clinical manifestations and imaging features of pediatric pulmonary actinomycosis are nonspecific, therefore it could easily be misdiagnosed. For children with pneumonia of unknown etiology and failing to respond to routine antibiotics, the pathogen metagene sequencing of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid will be helpful for diagnosis. With appropriate course of antibiotic treatment, the prognosis is good in most cases.
目的 探讨不同体质量指数(BMI)患者其内脏脂肪(VAT)含量的差异.方法 应用计算机断层扫描(CT)测量符合纳排标准的1094例于2017年1月1日至12月31日在广州医科大学附属第一医院