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自正义与发展党于2002年上台执政以来,土耳其经历了雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安政治集团领导下的高速发展的十年。经过多年社会和经济发展取得的成就,土耳其政党提出了雄伟的愿景、计划和目标,包括2023年的百年政治愿景、2053年的六百年愿望和2071年的千年目标,所有这些都可以概括为“土耳其梦”。“土耳其梦”的提出,既是土耳其政治家在民众中越来越受欢迎的一种阐释,也是土耳其十年发展自信的体现。在“一带一路”框架下中国和土耳其的合作,对于中国了解土耳其的社会状况和经济发展战略是非常重要的。在研究土耳其的优势和问题时,中国需要特别注意土耳其在欧亚大陆的软实力。“一带一路”倡议在土耳其尤其是在中东地区的发展,将有利于双方在改善双方国际影响力和打击恐怖主义方面合作的可能性。 Since the Justice and Development Party took power in 2002, Turkey has experienced a decade of rapid growth under the leadership of the Reggaed Taep Erdogan political group. After years of achievements in social and economic development, the Turkish political parties have set forth ambitious visions, plans and targets, including the centennial political vision of 2023, the six hundred aspirations of 2053 and the millennium goal of 2071, all of which can be summarized as “Turkish dream ”. The proposal of “Turkish dreams” is not only an interpretation that Turkish politicians are increasingly popular among the general public, but also an indication of the development of confidence in Turkey during the past decade. The cooperation between China and Turkey under the framework of the Belt and The Road is very important for China to understand Turkey’s social conditions and economic development strategy. In studying Turkey’s strengths and problems, China needs to pay special attention to Turkey’s soft power in Eurasia. The development of the Belt and Road Initiative in Turkey, especially in the Middle East, will be conducive to the possibility of cooperation between the two sides in improving their international clout and fighting terrorism.
【正】 什么是绝对真理?在恩格斯看来,绝对真理是由相对真理构成的。列宁也认为:人类思维所提供的即是“由相对真理的总和所构成的绝对真理”。毛泽东则定义式地指出:“无数
废水中高含量的氮、磷是引起湖泊和封闭近岸海域富营养化现象的重要因素,经济而有效地控制氮磷污染已成为当前亟待解决的环保问题。磷酸铵镁(Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate,