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重庆市江北区中医院座落在嘉陵江畔美丽的观音桥商圈,占地30余亩,开放病床205张。医院中医特色突出、中西医并举发展,是一所集医疗、教学、科研为一体的全国示范中医院,也是二级甲等中医院、国家爱婴医院、成都中医药大学教学医院和重庆市文明单位。 该院技术力量雄厚,有名(老)中医2名、高级专业人员21名、中级专业人员57名。骨伤、中西内、针灸推拿科是重点发展科室,中医儿科和中西医眼科是特色专科科室,同时还设有其他科室20多个,并建有现代化的手术室和ICU病房。 近年,该院狠抓基础建设和设备设施建设,医疗设备和就诊环境发生了巨大变化,先后引进了螺旋CT、美国彩色多谱勒、进口B超、电子纤维胃镜、美国X光电视诊断系统等大批先进医疗设备,为提高医院的医疗质量和医技水平提供了保障和平台。此外,还开展了托老及老年康复保健服务。 该院学术空气浓厚,拥有10多名国家和市级学术团体常务理事、理事,专委会正、副主任或委员,已出版医学专著10余部,每年在各种医学期刊上发表论文数10篇,并已获得省市级科技进步二、三等奖9项,区级科技进步一、三、四等奖4项。该院正进一步坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,努力将医院建成具有中医文化特色、功能设施齐全、专科特色突出、医疗质量一流的现代化新型全国示范中医院。 Chongqing Jiangbei District Chinese Medicine Hospital is located in the beautiful Guanyinqiao business district along the Jialing River. It covers an area of ​​more than 30 acres and 205 open beds. The hospital has prominent Chinese medicine features and develops simultaneously with Chinese and Western medicine. It is a national model hospital that integrates medical treatment, teaching, and scientific research. It is also a Grade II Chinese Hospital, National Baby Friendly Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Teaching Hospital and Chongqing Civilization. unit. The institute has strong technical force, including 2 famous Chinese doctors, 21 senior professionals and 57 intermediate professionals. Orthopedics, Chinese and Western Internal Medicine, and Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Massage are key development departments. Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ophthalmology of Chinese and Western Medicines are specialty specialty departments. There are also more than 20 other departments and a modern operating room and ICU ward. In recent years, the institute has paid close attention to infrastructure construction, facilities and equipment construction, medical equipment and medical environment. The spiral CT, US color Doppler, imported B ultrasonic, electronic fiber gastroscope, American X-ray television diagnostic system have been introduced successively. A large number of advanced medical equipment provided a guarantee and platform for improving hospital medical quality and medical technology. In addition, care services for the care of the elderly and the elderly have also been carried out. The Academy has a strong academic atmosphere. It has more than 10 executive directors and directors of national and municipal academic groups, and is the deputy director or member of the special committee. It has published more than 10 medical monographs and has published 10 papers in various medical journals every year. , And has obtained nine provincial and municipal scientific and technological progress second and third prizes, four district-level scientific and technological progress one, three and four prizes. The institute is further adhering to the guidance of the important thinking of the “three represents,” and strives to build the hospital into a modern, new model national hospital with Chinese medicine culture, complete functional facilities, outstanding specialty features, and first-class medical quality.
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自人民公社化到70年代末,棉红铃虫在新乡棉区曾一度绝迹,后一直被控制在次要害虫水平,常年不发生为害。 从1985年在新乡县小冀乡最早发现该虫回升以来,逐年上升。据1989年9