跨界魅音 融汇全球炫乐 轩尼诗炫音之乐年度盛典炫亮登陆上海

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近日,融汇全球炫亮音乐体验的轩尼诗炫音之乐2010年年度盛典登陆上海最新时尚地标梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心。这场国际音乐盛典力邀到亚洲音乐顽童庾澄庆、美国当红R&B天后Ciara、中国顶级天籁之音女歌手萨顶顶、韩国百变歌姬徐仁英以及经典独立摇滚乐队水晶蝶齐聚上海,联袂登场,与来自各地的5000多名的炫音乐迷们一起体验这场融汇时尚与音乐的跨界派对。自2006年启动以来,以“全球融合艺术”为理念的轩尼诗炫音之乐已席卷全球各大洲40多个国家,风靡全球,吸引了来自世界各地的艺人将自己的音乐与风格融入这个舞台,与轩尼诗VSOP一起铸造了融贯东西的炫音舞台。 Recently, Hennessy Hyun’s music, which brings together the world’s best and brightest music experiences, landed at the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center, the latest fashion landmark in Shanghai. The international music festival was invited to Asia music naughty 庾 Cheng Qing, the United States popular R & B days Ciara, China’s top soothing female singer Sa Dingding, South Korea Variety Ye Ji Xu Renying and the classic indie rock band Crystal Butterfly gathered in Shanghai, side by side, Experience the crossover party that combines fashion with music with more than 5,000 cool music fans from all over the world. Since its launch in 2006, Hennessy’s hymn of “Global Art of Blending” has swept the world over 40 countries on all continents, sweeping the globe and attracting entertainers from all over the world to incorporate their own music and style into this The stage, together with Hennessy VSOP, casts a well-conjured sound of stage.
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本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法对电子声音乐的原理、特点以及其在现代音乐中的作用和应用进行了分析阐述,目的是让更多的学者关注电子声音乐,认识电子声音乐。 This
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Aim: To evaluate the impact of childhood cancer on the life of the parents. Me thod: A 1-y follow-up study, with two time points for questionnaires, was comp le