Three-channel dual-wavelength fiber laser based on a digital micromirror-device processor and photon

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwerroo
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A stable three-channel dual-wavelength fiber ring laser is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The digital micromirror-device(DMD) processor can select and recirculate any dual waveband from the gain spectrum of the erbium-doped fiber at each channel. The uniform and stable dual-wavelength oscillation is obtained by a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, which causes two degenerate the four-wave-mixing processes. By loading different reproducibility diffraction gratings on the optoelectronic DMD processor, the laser can be operated stably in a three-channel dual-wavelength scheme at room temperature. The power fluctuation of each laser channel is less than ~0.02 d B. A stable three-channel dual-wavelength fiber ring laser is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The digital micromirror-device (DMD) processor can select and recirculate any dual waveband from the gain spectrum of the erbium-doped fiber at each channel. The uniform and stable dual-wavelength oscillation was obtained by a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, which causes two degenerate the four-wave-mixing processes. By loading different reproducibility diffraction gratings on the optoelectronic DMD processor, the laser can be operated stably in a three-channel dual-wavelength scheme at room temperature. The power fluctuation of each laser channel is less than ~ 0.02 d B.
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