Cai Bin: Political head of urban management in Panyu owns 21 houses

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  Cai Bin, political commissar of the Panyu Branch of the Guangzhou Municipal Urban Management and Comprehensive Enforcement Bureau, was reported to have 21 houses along with his wife and son. He got the nickname of“Fang Shu” (Uncle House) from the Internet. After hearing of this, the discipline inspection team of Panyu suspended Cai Bin from his duties and launched an investigation to see about his malpractices.
  Cai Bin’s possible corrupt acts were unraveled by the Net users at first. A post said shown on October 9 said that Cai Bin, 56, and his families had 21 houses, whose area totaled 7203.33 square meters. 18 of them are located in Panyu District, Guangzhou, and the other three stand in Nansha District. The post also includes the “proof of looking into the registration of individual property”.
  It is known that Cai Bin’s monthly salary is around CNY 10,000 now. From 2000 to 2008, he served as the enforcement leader of the Panyu Branch of the Guangzhou Municipal Urban Management and Comprehensive Enforcement Bureau and then he climbed to the top of this organization. His wife Shi Liying has already been retired from the office director and secretarygeneral of the Panyu Federation of Industry and Commerce. It is known her salary was lower than Cai Bin’s.
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