
来源 :中国水稻科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amperezh
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为了构建优质稻核心种质黄华占及其衍生系统理想模式,指导黄华占及其衍生系统品种的进一步遗传改良,2007年早季和晚季在广州进行大田试验,设计随机区组试验考查黄华占及其衍生品种的综合农艺性状,整合黄华占及其衍生品种在南方稻区省级水稻区试结果,构建黄华占及其衍生系统理想模式。黄华占及其衍生系统的早季产量与每穗总粒数和倒2叶长呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.716和0.825;与每株有效穗数呈显著负相关,相关系数为-0.795。早季总粒数因子增加1个单位,产量增加3.17个单位。晚季产量与千粒重呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.734;食味品质与剑叶长、倒2叶长、倒3叶长呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.798、0.794和0.831。晚季剑叶宽因子减少1个单位,产量增加2.06个单位。广州地区优质稻核心种质黄华占及其衍生系统理想模式早晚季有所不同,早季应注重选育大穗、长穗、较长上3叶的株(品)系;在晚季应注重较高千粒重和较窄上3叶的株(品)系。 In order to construct the ideal model of high-quality core collection Huanghuazhan and its derivative system, and to guide the further genetic improvement of the varieties of Huanghuazhan and its derivative systems, field trials were conducted in Guangzhou in early and late 2007, and randomized block trials were designed to investigate Huanghuazhan and its derivatives The integrated agronomic traits of the cultivars, the integration of Huang Huazhan and its derivative cultivars in the provincial rice regional test results in the southern rice area, and the construction of the ideal model of Huang Huazhan and its derivative systems. There was a significant positive correlation between the early grain yield per panicle and the second panicle length, with the correlation coefficients of 0.716 and 0.825, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between the panicle yield per panicle and the panicles per panicle, with a correlation coefficient of -0.795. In the early season, the total grain number increased by 1 unit and the output increased by 3.17 units. There was a significant positive correlation between grain yield and grain weight in late season, and the correlation coefficient was 0.734. The eating quality was positively correlated with the length of flag leaf, the length of 2 leaves and the length of 3 leaves. The correlation coefficients were 0.798, 0.794 and 0.831 respectively. Flag leaf late factor reduced by 1 unit, an increase of 2.06 units. In the early season, the ideal model of high-quality core collection Huanghuazhan and its derivative system in Guangzhou is different from the early-late season. The early-season should focus on the selection of large-spike, long-spike, longer 3-leaf strains; High 1000-grain weight and narrower 3 leaves of the strains (products) Department.
为观察99mTc标记的帕米膦酸盐(Pamidronate,PAM)的骨分布特点,以氯化亚锡为还原剂,优化99m Tc直接标记PAM的条件,研究SnC12(Ⅱ)含量、配体用量、pH及反应时间对标记率的影响,
目的 观察点阵激光辅助自体成纤维细胞经皮递送对真皮的长期作用.方法 选用健康满月家猪,取耳缘皮肤分离培养成纤维细胞,传至三代后收集.取幼猪胸背部皮肤,随机分成空白对照
目的观察涤痰汤对动脉粥样硬化兔血脂、氧化应激及炎性因子的影响,以期了解涤痰汤稳定动脉粥样硬化的机制。方法 48只健康雄性新西兰白兔随机分为空白组、动脉粥样硬化模型组
目的:观察奥沙利铂(OXA)联合顺铂(DDP)对胃癌细胞BGC-823体外增殖和bcl-2、Bax、Caspase-3 蛋白表达的影响.方法:采用MTT法测定OXA单药组(3.125、6.250、12.500、25.000 mg/L
目的观察补脏通络方对糖尿病早期大鼠糖代谢、肾组织病理改变及肾功能的影响。方法大鼠以脂肪乳灌胃21d后一次性尾静脉注射STZ 30mg/kg造模。治疗组给予补脏通络方治疗。第8